  • Will It Blend
  • A Web series found throughout YouTube, Will It Blend? is a Viral Marketing campaign consisting of a series of infomercials demonstrating the Blendtec line of blenders, especially the Total Blender. In the show, Tom Dickson, the Blendtec founder, attempts to blend various items in order to show off the power of his blender. He and his blender have appeared on plenty of morning talk shows, as well as the Discovery Channel, and even on the History Channel's Long Runner Modern Marvels.
  • A Web series found throughout YouTube, Will It Blend? is a Viral Marketing campaign consisting of a series of infomercials demonstrating the Blendtec line of blenders, especially the Total Blender. In the show, Tom Dickson, the Blendtec founder, attempts to blend various items in order to show off the power of his blender. Blendtec is the master of the Deceptively Simple Demonstration. It's actually easier to blend a hard item like a mobile phone or a golf ball than it is to perform normal blending tasks such as pureeing vegetables. A mobile phone isn't going to form a thick half-pureed liquid that coats the walls of the blender and leaves the blades spinning around in a bubble of air. And while they have listed things that shouldn't be blended, that hasn't stopped some people from trying this themselves...even after they've been specifically told not to. Tom and his blender appeared in the Weezer video "Pork N Beans;" after that, Tom returned the favor by blending a can of pork and beans (can and all) with a copy of Weezer's so-called "Red album." He and his blender have appeared on plenty of morning talk shows, as well as the Discovery Channel, and even on the History Channel's Long Runner Modern Marvels.