  • Drawn Together
  • Drawn Together
  • Drawn Together
  • Drawn Together
  • Die Serie wurde von Dave Jeser und Matt Silverstein entwickelt und von Comedy Central produziert. Sie wurde zum ersten Mal am 27. Oktober 2004 ausgestrahlt. In Großbritannien wurde die Serie über MTV und Paramount Comedy ausgestrahlt, in Australien über SBS. In Deutschland ist sie seit dem 3. Mai 2006 auf MTV und seit Juli 2008 auch auf Comedy Central zu sehen.
  • La wiki che ha per argomento il cartone americano creato da Dave Jaser e Matt Silverstein mandato in onda per la prima volta sulla Commedy Central in America il 27 ottobre 2004 al 2007, mentre in Italia sempre sulla Commedy Central, ma dal 2005 al 2009 sul Pacchetto SKY. Si tratta di una sitcom animata dall'umorismo in stile South Park ma dai disegni in 2D. La wiki è stata creata il 26 giugno 2011 con l'intento di conoscere il cartone .Attualmente, conta poco più di 6 utenti ed il 30 settembre 2011 è l'unica wiki italiana che ha superato, con 211 pagine, la versione inglese ancora ferma a 143.
  • La wiki che ha per argomento il cartone americano creato da Dave Jaser e Matt Silverstein mandato in onda per la prima volta sulla Commedy Central in America il 27 ottobre 2004 al 2007, mentre in Italia sempre sulla Commedy Central, ma dal 2005 al 2009 sul Pacchetto SKY. Si tratta di una sitcom animata dall'umorismo in stile South Park ma dai disegni in 2D. La wiki è stata creata il 26 giugno 2011 con l'intento di conoscere il cartone .Attualmente, conta poco più di 6 utenti ed il 30 settembre 2011 è l'unica wiki italiana che ha superato, con 211 pagine, la versione inglese ancora ferma a 143.
  • Das Wiki Drawn Together behandelt Inhalte der gleichnamigen TV-Serie. Es hat momentan 16 Seiten (Stand 03/09).
  • Drawn Together is an animated television show on Comedy Central. It features cartoon characters of different genres (parodies of different characters, like Pikachu and Betty Boop) living together in one house.
  • The TV show and Movie was rated NC-17 due to its controversial and sometimes racist jokes. The Episode, "Terms of Endearment" had racist jokes because of the stereotypical portraying of other races. The movie was considered a huge middle finger towards the censors because of all the inappropriate jokes. The plot was the cast was trying to be put back on the air while not being erased. Somewhat including a giant monster which eats its own shit.
  • In some episodes, characters participate in challenges that are based on reality TV challenges. The show is made by Rough Draft Studios in Glendale, California, with much of the animation done at the studio's facilities in Korea.
  • Drawn Together est un dessin animé amerloque insipide qui réussit l'exploit d'être moins insupportable que Family Guy en ayant presque le même humour lourdingue et scatologique mais en pire. Le concept de cette série est une télé réalité animée merdique ( notons que le merdique et la télé réalité sont indissociable ) qui consiste à réunir 8 personnages issu d'univers différents qui sont eux même d'honteuses et de dégradantes imitations de personnages connus. ( des parodies trash quoi... )
  • Drawn Together is an American adult animated sitcom which ran on Comedy Central from Ocrober 27, 2004. The series was created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, and uses a sitcom format with a TV reality show setting. Comedy Central advertised it as the first animated reality show, and in some episodes, characters participate in challenges that are similar to reality TV challenges, although the premise is largely dropped in later seasons.
  • 36
  • 27
  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • 1380.0
  • Eban Schletter
  • MtaÄ
  • 2008-08-25
  • Drawn Together Wiki
  • Drawn Together Wiki
  • Inaktiv
  • Comedy
  • it.drawntogetherpedia
  • it.drawntogetherpedia
  • no
  • no
  • Englisch
  • 3
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  • 26
  • 2011-06-26
  • Drawn Together Wiki
  • BobaCartman
  • de.drawntogether
  • 2004
  • Dave Jeser, Matt Silverstein
  • 3
Original Titel
  • Drawn Together
  • J. Michael Mendel, Claudia Katz
  • Double Hemm, Rough Draft Studios
  • Drawn Together is an American adult animated sitcom which ran on Comedy Central from Ocrober 27, 2004. The series was created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, and uses a sitcom format with a TV reality show setting. Like that of MTV's The Challenge and VH1's The Surreal Life, the show's eight characters are a combination of personalities that were recognizable and familiar prior to the series. Differently, however, Drawn Together used caricatures of established cartoon characters and stock characters. In addition, their character traits parody personality types that are typically seen in reality TV shows. Comedy Central advertised it as the first animated reality show, and in some episodes, characters participate in challenges that are similar to reality TV challenges, although the premise is largely dropped in later seasons.
  • In some episodes, characters participate in challenges that are based on reality TV challenges. The show is made by Rough Draft Studios in Glendale, California, with much of the animation done at the studio's facilities in Korea. Comedy Central's original tagline for the show was "Find out what happens when cartoon characters stop being polite... and start making out in hot tubs," referring to Clara and Foxxy's kiss in the pilot episode. The line is a parody of The Real World's tagline, "Find out what happens when people stop being polite… and start getting real." The aforementioned hot tub kiss is considered one of the show's defining images; Comedy Central based nearly all of its first-season promotional material for Drawn Together on it.
  • Die Serie wurde von Dave Jeser und Matt Silverstein entwickelt und von Comedy Central produziert. Sie wurde zum ersten Mal am 27. Oktober 2004 ausgestrahlt. In Großbritannien wurde die Serie über MTV und Paramount Comedy ausgestrahlt, in Australien über SBS. In Deutschland ist sie seit dem 3. Mai 2006 auf MTV und seit Juli 2008 auch auf Comedy Central zu sehen.
  • Drawn Together est un dessin animé amerloque insipide qui réussit l'exploit d'être moins insupportable que Family Guy en ayant presque le même humour lourdingue et scatologique mais en pire. Le concept de cette série est une télé réalité animée merdique ( notons que le merdique et la télé réalité sont indissociable ) qui consiste à réunir 8 personnages issu d'univers différents qui sont eux même d'honteuses et de dégradantes imitations de personnages connus. ( des parodies trash quoi... ) Ainsi la série comporte de nombreuses scènes de violences, sexe, racisme, homophobie, antisémitisme, trucs crades, déviances sexuelles et autres paraphilies, bref tous ce qui est a peu prêt politiquement incorrect et tous cela bien évidemment non censuré pour le plus grand bonheur des adolescents attardés. le titre de la série signifie "Dessiné ensemble" mais devrais plutôt s'appeler "The Captain Hero Show" tellement la série tourne autours de cet ignoble personnage. Comme toutes les séries elle a ses détracteurs et comme c'est une série offensive et à l'humour pipicaca ses principaux détracteurs sont donc: * les culs bénis qui supportent pas les blagues sur Jésus, Dieu ou Chuck Norris. * les minorités complexées qui ont oubliée que c'est pas une série à prendre au premier degré et qu'elle se fout de la gueule des stéréotypes avant tous. * les amateurs de branlettes intellectuelles qui s'attendaient à une critique de la société hyper profonde et subversive ( y'avait t'il vraiment besoin de nous dire que la télé réalité c'est de la merde sérieusement ? ) Cette série est par le plus grand des hasards la création de deux juifs satanistes, pervers et gays, agents du mossad au service d'Israël qui veulent pervertir l'esprit des enfants qui regardent ce dessin animé car comme tous le monde le sais seul les enfants regardent les dessins animés.
  • La wiki che ha per argomento il cartone americano creato da Dave Jaser e Matt Silverstein mandato in onda per la prima volta sulla Commedy Central in America il 27 ottobre 2004 al 2007, mentre in Italia sempre sulla Commedy Central, ma dal 2005 al 2009 sul Pacchetto SKY. Si tratta di una sitcom animata dall'umorismo in stile South Park ma dai disegni in 2D. La wiki è stata creata il 26 giugno 2011 con l'intento di conoscere il cartone .Attualmente, conta poco più di 6 utenti ed il 30 settembre 2011 è l'unica wiki italiana che ha superato, con 211 pagine, la versione inglese ancora ferma a 143.
  • La wiki che ha per argomento il cartone americano creato da Dave Jaser e Matt Silverstein mandato in onda per la prima volta sulla Commedy Central in America il 27 ottobre 2004 al 2007, mentre in Italia sempre sulla Commedy Central, ma dal 2005 al 2009 sul Pacchetto SKY. Si tratta di una sitcom animata dall'umorismo in stile South Park ma dai disegni in 2D. La wiki è stata creata il 26 giugno 2011 con l'intento di conoscere il cartone .Attualmente, conta poco più di 6 utenti ed il 30 settembre 2011 è l'unica wiki italiana che ha superato, con 211 pagine, la versione inglese ancora ferma a 143.
  • Das Wiki Drawn Together behandelt Inhalte der gleichnamigen TV-Serie. Es hat momentan 16 Seiten (Stand 03/09).
  • Drawn Together is an animated television show on Comedy Central. It features cartoon characters of different genres (parodies of different characters, like Pikachu and Betty Boop) living together in one house.
  • The TV show and Movie was rated NC-17 due to its controversial and sometimes racist jokes. The Episode, "Terms of Endearment" had racist jokes because of the stereotypical portraying of other races. The movie was considered a huge middle finger towards the censors because of all the inappropriate jokes. The plot was the cast was trying to be put back on the air while not being erased. Somewhat including a giant monster which eats its own shit.