  • After the Storm
  • After The Storm
  • After the Storm is the first episode and the season premiere of the fifth season of Castle.
  • This series was written by Bolt. Note: This series is not valid as of March 15, 2016, when the first book in the six arc of Warriors will be released.
  • Name: After The Storm Run Time: 4:07 Year: 2006
  • Speak with Justiciar in Force Station Steelhead.
  • After the Storm is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventy-fourth case of the game and the eighteenth case of Pacific Bay. In addition, it is the first case to take place in —a district based in Pacific Bay.
  • I sat down and gazed up dreamily into the cloudless blue sky, the mouse forgotten as it scampers away. A cool spring breeze wafts through my fur, and I close my eyes, letting the warm sunlight fall on my face. The air tastes like new grass and budding flowers on my tongue. I feel like at moments like this, I can sprout wings and just- "Lilypaw!" I turn, the reverie broken, and see my mentor Featherpool emerging over the top of a hill. Her gaze is disapproving, but not angry. "What happened to that mouse you were stalking?" I nod excitedly. "Okay."
  • 10
  • 2
  • 5
fr name
  • Après la Tempête
es lore
  • Si no hay otras cartas en el Campo: selecciona 1 monstruo de AGUA o VIENTO en tu Cementerio; añade ese objetivo a tu mano.
  • 2014-08-14
Romaji Name
  • Senka no Zanshi
hr name
  • Nakon Oluje
ja lore
  • お互いのフィールド上に、他のカードが存在しない場合に発動できる。自分の墓地から水属性または風属性のモンスター1体を選択して手札に加える。
it lore
  • Se non ci sono altre carte sul Terreno: scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro ACQUA o VENTO nel tuo Cimitero; aggiungi quel bersaglio alla tua mano.
pt name
  • Depois da Tempestade
  • If there are no other cards on the field: Target 1 WATER or WIND monster in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.
pt lore
  • Se não houverem outros cards no campo: escolha 1 monstro de ÁGUA ou VENTO em seu Cemitério; adicione o alvo à sua mão.
zh lore
  • 雙方場上不存在其他卡牌的場合可發動。從我方墓地選擇1只水屬性或風屬性怪獸加入手牌。
it name
  • Dopo la Tempesta
trans name
  • Vestige of the War
  • 82263578
de lore
  • Falls keine anderen Karten auf dem Spielfeld liegen: Wähle 1 WASSER oder WIND Monster in deinem Friedhof; füge das gewählte Ziel deiner Hand hinzu.
ko name
  • 전화의 잔재
  • Nach dem Sturm
es name
  • Después de la Tormenta
fr lore
  • S'il n'y a aucune autre carte sur le Terrain : ciblez 1 monstre EAU ou VENT dans votre Cimetière ; ajoutez la cible à votre main.
card type
  • Spell
effect types
  • Activation requirement, Effect
database id
  • 10425
  • 1
  • "Always"
  • Female
  • * WATER * WIND
  • After the Storm
  • 2012-09-24
  • Normal
zh name
  • 戰火殘渣
  • Amy Young Yann Toussaint
  • 18
ar name
  • ضحايا الحرب
Ja Name
  • Adds from Graveyard to hand
  • "Cloudy with a Chance of Murder"
  • After the Storm is the first episode and the season premiere of the fifth season of Castle.
  • This series was written by Bolt. Note: This series is not valid as of March 15, 2016, when the first book in the six arc of Warriors will be released.
  • Name: After The Storm Run Time: 4:07 Year: 2006
  • Speak with Justiciar in Force Station Steelhead.
  • After the Storm is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventy-fourth case of the game and the eighteenth case of Pacific Bay. In addition, it is the first case to take place in —a district based in Pacific Bay.
  • I sat down and gazed up dreamily into the cloudless blue sky, the mouse forgotten as it scampers away. A cool spring breeze wafts through my fur, and I close my eyes, letting the warm sunlight fall on my face. The air tastes like new grass and budding flowers on my tongue. I feel like at moments like this, I can sprout wings and just- "Lilypaw!" I turn, the reverie broken, and see my mentor Featherpool emerging over the top of a hill. Her gaze is disapproving, but not angry. "What happened to that mouse you were stalking?" I feel my ears go red. "It got away," I admit. "Sorry. It won't happen again." She smiles reassuringly. "It's okay. But let's get back to camp now. We can try again tomorrow. You don't want to be late for your first Gathering, and you'll need to rest well before evening." I nod excitedly. "Okay." PetalClan's leader, Silverstar, makes her way out of her lichen-draped den towards us. "Ready to go?" she asks. Our deputy, Sealfish, nods, the moonlight glinting off her sleek black fur. "All of us are here." "Good. Let's go." Silverstar leads the way out of our camp. Featherpool, who is on guard duty, waves her tail at me in farewell, smiling. I wave back nervously. This is my first Gathering; I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. My brother, Sparkpaw, is back at the camp. He'll go next time. Part of me wishes he were coming, but the other half is too excited. The Gathering takes place by Red Rock, a large sandstone formation jutting out of the ground near the border between the FlameClan and PetalClan border. The other clan is nowhere in sight, so we spread out across the clearing, which is muddy from the new-leaf rain. There is an air of surpassed excitement in the air, and everyone can detect it. Silverstar climbs Red Rock and looks down on us peacefully, as if preparing herself mentally for this Gathering. I remember Sealfish and some of the other warriors talking about accusations going back and forth between the clans. PetalClan thought FlameClan was stealing prey. I was quite sure they thought the same of us, though to say so to one of my clanmates would be like throwing kindling on a forest fire. Tucking my tail around my paws, I wait for FlameClan, having no idea what this first Gathering will lead to.
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