  • Sōnan kamome
  • Sōnan kamome ((遭難鴎 , Seagull in distress)), Also given the name "Sōnan the soaring Seagull"((Sōnan高騰かもめ ,Sōnan kōtō kamome)) was an ANBU captain from Konohagakure's famed Kamome clan He later Attack the hidden leaf Village in what would become known as the Five Kekkei Genkai User massacre and defected from the village, becoming an S-rank missing-nin and a prominent Nokizaru Group member Who utilized in his clan special Ability "Tar Release ((脂遁, Shiton))
  • Sōnan kamome ((遭難鴎 , Seagull in distress)), Also given the name "Sōnan the soaring Seagull"((Sōnan高騰かもめ ,Sōnan kōtō kamome)) was an ANBU captain from Konohagakure's famed Kamome clan He later Attack the hidden leaf Village in what would become known as the Five Kekkei Genkai User massacre and defected from the village, becoming an S-rank missing-nin and a prominent Nokizaru Group member Who utilized in his clan special Ability "Tar Release ((脂遁, Shiton))