  • Problem Sleuth/Characters
  • A hard-boiled, charismatic detective, diplomat, and de facto leader of Team Sleuth. * Aggressive Negotiations - Spoofed - "Sleuth Diplomacy" is only an increasingly indefensible euphemism for canned whoop-ass. And the only time he does have to negotiate he cheats. * Fair Shake: You give equal consideration to both sides of the argument. * Impromptu Caucus: Your allies weigh in on the matter. * Ceasefire: Not one for violence, you opt for the diplomatic route and motion for a laying down of arms. * Summon Henry Clay: The beasts and the Zombie Muscle have all been slain by the rampaging Kentucky senator. * Poison Pen Letter: DMK's SICK BURN meter suffers a critical spike. * PAX PROBLISCUM: In a last ditch effort to salvage diplomatic proceedings, you invoke the ulti
  • A hard-boiled, charismatic detective, diplomat, and de facto leader of Team Sleuth. * Aggressive Negotiations - Spoofed - "Sleuth Diplomacy" is only an increasingly indefensible euphemism for canned whoop-ass. And the only time he does have to negotiate he cheats. * Fair Shake: You give equal consideration to both sides of the argument. * Impromptu Caucus: Your allies weigh in on the matter. * Ceasefire: Not one for violence, you opt for the diplomatic route and motion for a laying down of arms. * Summon Henry Clay: The beasts and the Zombie Muscle have all been slain by the rampaging Kentucky senator. * Poison Pen Letter: DMK's SICK BURN meter suffers a critical spike. * PAX PROBLISCUM: In a last ditch effort to salvage diplomatic proceedings, you invoke the ultimate resolution in your formal attache of plenipotentiary clauses, motioning for bilateral demilitarization and cessation of hostilities for the mutual advancement and prolonged commitment to the furtherance of harmonious relations among sovereign parties. PEACE BE WITH YOU. * Bond One-Liner: Sorry to cut and run... * Bullet Dodging: Auto-Parry: Sleuth Roll. Played completely straight, unlike his teammates' Auto-Parries. * The Charmer: Pulchritude is his highest stat. * Classic Cheat Code: Employed (via Game FAQs no less!) to solve The Plight of the Four Kingdoms without a lot of Back Tracking for rare items and reading the instructions for the incomprehensible Allegiance Mesh interface. * Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Or rather, Fluthlu. And it was more of a Portal Cut than a punch. * Face Framed in Shadow: Done while gripping his only friend in the world right now against his palm. * Guile Hero: Pulchritude is his highest stat (as unconventionally as it ends up getting used). * Jack of All Stats: He has at least decent scores in all his stats, and both his non-specialized ones still grow when he levels up. For comparison, AD's imagination and PI's vim bars actually shrank. * In fact, PI lost his vim gauge entirely. * Knife Nut: TRUSTY KNIVES. * Lightning Bruiser: As Candy Corn Vampire. * Locked in a Room: How we meet him at the beginning of the story. * The Mario: Hussie specifically describes him as an analogue to Mario in Mario Kart and Ryu in Street Fighter. * Mr. Imagination: He likes to imagine that he's a successful detective as opposed to a guy who's locked in his office with a broken telephone. * Power Gives You Wings: Once he finally uses Sepulchritude. * Power Trio: PS serves as the Ego. * Private Detective * Private Eye Monologue: Several, but the one at the end is the longest and most hard-boiled. * Trademark Favorite Food: Candy corn.