  • Tenbakuken
  • The Tenbakuken (Literal Translation: Cascade Sword is one of the Shichi Houtou a set of sacred and ancient swords crafted from the Samurai turned ninja Shueinen of the Sundamizu Clan. The Tenbakuken had a unique origin. Shueinen practiced austerity by casting swords and had over a thousand swords with different styles and functions. However, when these swords are compared with The Shinhenjōken, they are inferior in both shape and spirit. One day, as usual, Shueinen was watching the clouds and mountains from afar. Out of the blue, a stream of clouds plunged down like a waterfall, drawing a frozen line across the sky. Shueinen suddenly was enlightened with the fact that The Deity is too primitive and is thus restrained in both shape and spirit. In a bid to break the confines of The Deity, Ma
unnamed tool
  • No
debut shippuden
  • No
tool classification
  • Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
literal english
  • Heavens Cascade Sword
related tools
  • Sword,
tool media
  • Anime, Manga, Game, Movie
  • Shueinen, Hakumu Hōzuki
  • Tenbakuken
Other Names
  • Heavens Fall
  • The Tenbakuken (Literal Translation: Cascade Sword is one of the Shichi Houtou a set of sacred and ancient swords crafted from the Samurai turned ninja Shueinen of the Sundamizu Clan. The Tenbakuken had a unique origin. Shueinen practiced austerity by casting swords and had over a thousand swords with different styles and functions. However, when these swords are compared with The Shinhenjōken, they are inferior in both shape and spirit. One day, as usual, Shueinen was watching the clouds and mountains from afar. Out of the blue, a stream of clouds plunged down like a waterfall, drawing a frozen line across the sky. Shueinen suddenly was enlightened with the fact that The Deity is too primitive and is thus restrained in both shape and spirit. In a bid to break the confines of The Deity, Master Shadow-glow melted a hundred swords to cast The Tenbakuken.