  • Physical restraints
  • Humans have traditionally used a multitude of restraints such as handcuffs and rope to keep individuals in restraint. The Neural-inhibitor collar is a UNSC device used to paralyze dangerous prisoners, and its practice has been used by United Rebel Front to subdue SPARTAN-IIs. Buckmesh is a particularly strong material used to contain prisoners of gangster Thin Kinkle, yet not strong enough on its own to stop a Spartan-I.
  • Humans have traditionally used a multitude of restraints such as handcuffs and rope to keep individuals in restraint. The Neural-inhibitor collar is a UNSC device used to paralyze dangerous prisoners, and its practice has been used by United Rebel Front to subdue SPARTAN-IIs. Buckmesh is a particularly strong material used to contain prisoners of gangster Thin Kinkle, yet not strong enough on its own to stop a Spartan-I.