  • 1219
  • 1219
  • 1219 was an Imperial stormtrooper around the year 0 ABY.
  • Simone, Richard und Ben ziehen an einem Strang, um das Zentrum zu retten. Dank des Sponsorenvertrags mit Bauträger Potthoff willigt die Bank schließlich ein und sichert Ben das benötigte Kapital zu. Und während die Steinkamps zuversichtlich glauben, bald das Zentrum zurückkaufen zu können, ahnen sie nichts von der finsteren Bedrohung: Isabelle bereitet einen Coup vor. Franziska versucht fassungslos, die Tatsache zu verdauen, dass Florian bereits eine Neue hat. Ausgerechnet die hübsche Lena, mit der sie nicht in Konkurrenz treten kann. Doch dann erfährt sie auch noch, dass Florian schon mit Lena geflirtet hat, als er noch mit ihr zusammen war. Schließlich entlädt sich Franziskas Wut während des Eishockeytrainings. Durch Ingos und Lenas Zureden erkennt Annette, dass sie Katja Unrecht getan h
  • Carrie is deeply upset by her vision and tells Daphne that she couldn't make out whose name was on the gravestone. Daphne can tell Carrie is lying, and Carrie reluctantly admits that she saw Daphne's own name. Carrie tries to comfort Daphne by saying that she could be mistaken, and wonders if she should marry Bramwell immediately. Daphne tells Carrie not to worry, that her vision must be wrong. Later Catherine goes to the Old House where she speaks privately with Bramwell. She tells him that the real reason she fainted is because she is pregnant, with his child.
  • 1219
  • 1971-02-18
  • 1199
  • 1841
  • 1219
  • Galactic Empire
  • 1971-02-25
  • 1219
  • Simone, Richard und Ben ziehen an einem Strang, um das Zentrum zu retten. Dank des Sponsorenvertrags mit Bauträger Potthoff willigt die Bank schließlich ein und sichert Ben das benötigte Kapital zu. Und während die Steinkamps zuversichtlich glauben, bald das Zentrum zurückkaufen zu können, ahnen sie nichts von der finsteren Bedrohung: Isabelle bereitet einen Coup vor. Franziska versucht fassungslos, die Tatsache zu verdauen, dass Florian bereits eine Neue hat. Ausgerechnet die hübsche Lena, mit der sie nicht in Konkurrenz treten kann. Doch dann erfährt sie auch noch, dass Florian schon mit Lena geflirtet hat, als er noch mit ihr zusammen war. Schließlich entlädt sich Franziskas Wut während des Eishockeytrainings. Durch Ingos und Lenas Zureden erkennt Annette, dass sie Katja Unrecht getan hat. Schließlich gehe es Katja in der Zusammenarbeit mit Potthoff nur darum, das Zentrum zu retten. Als Annette dann jedoch mit ansehen muss, dass Katja als Werbeträgerin fungiert, ist der alte Konflikt wieder da …
  • Carrie is deeply upset by her vision and tells Daphne that she couldn't make out whose name was on the gravestone. Daphne can tell Carrie is lying, and Carrie reluctantly admits that she saw Daphne's own name. Carrie tries to comfort Daphne by saying that she could be mistaken, and wonders if she should marry Bramwell immediately. Daphne tells Carrie not to worry, that her vision must be wrong. Back at Collinwood, Morgan tells Catherine that Kendrick Young has gone to the police with the news of his sister's murder. He is convinced that Gabriel murdered Stella, and the police are searching the grounds for Gabriel's whereabouts. Morgan realizes that Catherine is hardly listening, and she informs him that Bramwell and Daphne are engaged to be married. Morgan is shocked by the news and Catherine is convinced that Bramwell is only marrying Daphne out of spite. Although she has tried to reason with both of them, they are still determined to marry. Catherine tells Morgan that there must be some way they can stop this marriage. Morgan reminds her that Daphne is a grown woman and can do as she pleases. He is not particularly concerned, as his main focus is on the lottery and who James Forsythe was. The two argue, and Morgan brings up her own past relationship with Bramwell. Catherine tells Morgan she would have expected Bramwell to be jealous, but not him. Catherine leaves the room, furious. Soon afterwards Carrie arrives, looking for Quentin. She tells Morgan that she has found a letter addressed to James Forsythe. Morgan reads the letter, and discovers that it was a love letter written to James, signed with the letter "A." Morgan asks Carrie to use her psychic abilities to tell him more about James and the woman who wrote the letter. However when he reaches for it, a wind takes over the room, causing the candles to go out. The letter bursts into flames before their eyes. Carrie determines that an evil spirit is in the room and runs away out in fear. Back at the old house Bramwell asks Daphne if she has reached a decision. Daphne tells Bramwell of Carrie's vision, and admits that although it has disturbed her, she has not changed her mind about their marriage. She is sure that no matter what may happen, Bramwell would never hurt her. The next day Bramwell and Daphne go to the great house, where they announce that they have just been married. Catherine collapses in the foyer. A doctor is summoned, but Catherine insists that he only reveal to Morgan what she wishes. The doctor reluctantly agrees, and tells Morgan that there is nothing physically wrong with his wife. Catherine tells Morgan she merely had a dizzy spell, from her concern over Daphne and the lottery. Morgan accepts her explanation. Later Catherine goes to the Old House where she speaks privately with Bramwell. She tells him that the real reason she fainted is because she is pregnant, with his child.
  • 1219 was an Imperial stormtrooper around the year 0 ABY.
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