  • An Advancing Enemy/Plot Details
  • The Null Chamber
  • The gnomish encampments are just south of the goof course. I suggest you travel to the southwest, taking care not to alert the gnomes to your presence as you approach the three outposts. When you have finished your surveillance, return to me and we will see what you have come to believe.
  • I'm worried that they might be organizing for some kind of attack on Barton Town. Obviously, we can't have that.
  • The motivations of lawn ornaments are foreign to me, Leon.
  • At your service Leon
  • The Village Greens used to be such a nice place, [name]. Johnny Gambino himself used to come down here every week for a round of Goof...
  • Can I help you defend this area?
  • I think so. / I don't know, but...
  • I'd love to, but I have to maintain my post.
  • They looked a little too dumb for 'intelligence.
  • They sure are. Need me to bust up some Animated?
  • Exactly. I have to keep up the appearance of vigilance so people of Barton can sleep soundly at night knowing that the Barton Regulars will always be here.
  • What do you have in mind?
  • Why don't you just go yourself?
  • Why? It looks like you're just standing around...
  • That seems reasonable. I'll scout the camps for you.
  • So, what's the news from the gnome camps? Are they planning something?
  • Can you believe our own lawn ornaments have turned against us? It puts a real damper on our tourism industry, and I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.
  • Just a hunch, but I think the Animated around here are getting smarter. The gnomes used to mill around mindlessly, but now they seem to be gathering up in little camps, setting up fortifications... preparing for attack, you might say.
  • We could definitely use a hand battling these awful gnomes. Think you're up for the challenge?
  • This might be a little tricky: I've seen a particularly springtly little gnome scooting along the path between the gnome fortress and the Good course. I think he may be some sort of courier.
  • I just need someone to scout the gnome camps and see what they're up to.
  • Yeah, it means... well, I don't know, it just sounds commanding. Sorry. Anyway, what brings you here?
  • Hark! State your business in the Village Greens, citizen.
  • Ha! Yeah, I guess I got a little ahead of myself. Who knows what those little buggers are up to? There must be some other way to figure it out...
  • Maybe you can. I see that you're already wearing some rings; those seem to be our best bet right now.
  • Aww, c'mon! I thought we were a team! Leon and [name], defenders of Barton! Well, come see me again if you change your mind. [End chat - Decline next quest]
  • Are you up for a bit of reconnaissance work, [name]? I'd love to gather some intelligence on the gnomes - assuming they have any intelligence to gather.
  • Commander Leon
  • Gnomish Battle Plans
  • Leon