  • Nocturlun
  • Name: Nocturlun Sex: …Male? Not really important Age: Hundreds of thousands of years give or take a few decades. Habitat: Deep-sea trench in the Haotul Sea Appearance: Nocturlun’s main body is enclosed within a giant shell, roughly 30 feet tall at its highest peak, and 50 feet wide. Even though Nocturlun was once mobile, he has resided in this shell for thousands of years, resulting in the atrophy of most of his body. The flesh that used to be claws and carapace now have solidified onto the shell. He cannot move anymore. The only parts of his body that have remained fully functional (apart from necessary bodily functions) are his heads.
  • Name: Nocturlun Sex: …Male? Not really important Age: Hundreds of thousands of years give or take a few decades. Habitat: Deep-sea trench in the Haotul Sea Appearance: Nocturlun’s main body is enclosed within a giant shell, roughly 30 feet tall at its highest peak, and 50 feet wide. Even though Nocturlun was once mobile, he has resided in this shell for thousands of years, resulting in the atrophy of most of his body. The flesh that used to be claws and carapace now have solidified onto the shell. He cannot move anymore. The only parts of his body that have remained fully functional (apart from necessary bodily functions) are his heads.