  • Parthalenn
  • Parthalenn, also known as the Parthalenner Continent, or as the Crescent Continent is one of the five continents of this Earth, or the mainland of Doronkonlenn in the Four Continent Model used by the Sefenlands, Sayerthenn, and the Kinglands. It is the third-largest, and most-populous continent of this Earth, with over 500 million people living in Sayerthenn alone, and another 300 million people living in Western Parthalenn. The continent is home to the two largest cities of this Earth: Deynaar, and Ugenkaar; the capitals of Horse Isle, and Sukaar in Sayerthenn respectively. Its defining geographic features are the Shocked Shore of Western Parthalenn, the Tonik Taiga, the Crescent Blue Mountains, the Sayerthenener Coast, and the Sukaari Peninsula. It is currently home to many states:
  • Parthalenn, also known as the Parthalenner Continent, or as the Crescent Continent is one of the five continents of this Earth, or the mainland of Doronkonlenn in the Four Continent Model used by the Sefenlands, Sayerthenn, and the Kinglands. It is the third-largest, and most-populous continent of this Earth, with over 500 million people living in Sayerthenn alone, and another 300 million people living in Western Parthalenn. The continent is home to the two largest cities of this Earth: Deynaar, and Ugenkaar; the capitals of Horse Isle, and Sukaar in Sayerthenn respectively. Its defining geographic features are the Shocked Shore of Western Parthalenn, the Tonik Taiga, the Crescent Blue Mountains, the Sayerthenener Coast, and the Sukaari Peninsula. It is currently home to many states: 1. * The Blue Empire of Sayerthenn 2. * The Sukaar Region of Sayerthenn 3. * The Ane Polki Region of Sayerthenn 4. * The Plains Region of Sayerthenn 5. * The Yentenner Region of Sayerthenn 6. * The Far South/Sous' Bay/Murusai's Bay 7. * Saia-Saia 8. * The City at the Pass 9. * Harlenn 10. * Haruirrin 11. * Eiharu 12. * Ninety-Nine-Thousandtowers 13. * Celmetes 14. * Anasia's City 15. * Reynlenn 16. * City of Foe-Breakers 17. * Thunderstruck 18. * Lohth 19. * Horse Isle 20. * The Kobeyerlands 21. * Irri 22. * Rinzhaori 23. * The Hurricane Isles
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