  • Jon Udell
  • Before joining Microsoft, he was author of the book Practical Internet Groupware, and he also worked as a professional blogger for Infoworld. In his present capacity, he continues to serve as a professional blogger, except he now does so to promote Microsoft products, which, despite criticism he received for "selling out his principles and joining a side", he has refuted this criticism by citing a portion of the forword of his book, written by Time O'Reilly:
  • Before joining Microsoft, he was author of the book Practical Internet Groupware, and he also worked as a professional blogger for Infoworld. In his present capacity, he continues to serve as a professional blogger, except he now does so to promote Microsoft products, which, despite criticism he received for "selling out his principles and joining a side", he has refuted this criticism by citing a portion of the forword of his book, written by Time O'Reilly: According to Udell, he is evangelizing for Microsoft because he is convinced their software is the current wave of progress, and while the exact scope of his job as an "Evangelist" is nebulous, he currently continues to blog about the virtues of Microsoft's software, which, to quote the close of an interview he gave regarding criticism for his decision to "evangelize" for Microsoft":