  • Heracles Alcides (Earth-515)
  • Class 100 +; Hercules is capable of lifting in excess of 100 tons. He is one of the strongest beings to ever walk the planet.
  • Good
  • Avengers Mansion, Mount Olympus
  • Extremely Muscular Physique
  • Separated
  • Origin
  • Hercules
  • Zeus , Alcmena , Amphitryon , Perseus , Neptune, Pluto , Hera, Demeter, Hestia , Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, Hephaestus , Venus, Athena, Artemis, Eileithyia, Helen, Discord, Iris, Persephone, Pandia , Megaera , Deianeira , Hebe , Hylas ; Alexander the Great , various other relations pertinent to Greek Mythology
  • Blue
  • Hercules, the son of Zeus, became a superhero in modern times.
  • Brown
  • Teleportation via magical energies
  • *Master Combatant: Hercules is an excellent hand to hand combatant particularly skilled in Greco-Roman wrestling and boxing. Also, Hercules is a very accomplished melee fighter. Hercules is Olympus' greatest warrior and champion. When he was still a demigod in ancient Greece, Hercules co-invented, along with Theseus, the first all-encompassing fighting system in human history: Pankration. Pankration is quite similar to mixed martial arts of modern times as both combine several separate hand-to-hand combat techniques. As the co-inventor and a centuries-long practitioner of Pankration, Hercules is an expert in many styles of hand-to-hand combat. These include; boxing, wrestling, joint locks, submission holds and the combining of and transitioning between these varied techniques. He has practiced, honed and perfected his fighting skills for over three millenia, thoroughly mastering them. *Master Athlete: Hercules is also highly skilled in athletics such as the discus and hammer throws. *Master Archer: Hercules is a master archer; his godly attributes combined with centuries of training have made him superior to any earth born archer. His archery skill even surpasses master bowmen such as Hawkeye and Trickshot. However, since the suicide of his wife Deianeira in connection with Hercules' arrows having been tainted by the blood of The Hydra, he does not often use his bow anymore. *Expert Marksman: Hercules is able to throw javelins and throwing discs with great aim and overall accuracy. *Weapons Proficiency: Hercules is also experienced with all forms of weaponry used in ancient Greece. He has had centuries of training, practice and experience with many types of weapons including but not limited to battle axes and long swords. *Bilingual: He can speak Greek and English. *Professional Seducer: Hercules is well known for his womanizing skills that are so efficient that they are considered legendary. Hercules is a prolific ladies man due to his adeptness at using his looks, charm, and reputation to woo women. In fact, many men have fallen victim to his charms. *Gregarious Personality: Hercules has a very confident and gregarious personality. He believes life should always be appreciated by being lived to the fullest every day. This lust for life is perhaps accentuated by his mortal roots and the fact that he has experienced death. Once he has deemed someone suitably noble, Hercules is quick to assume the role of friend, confidant, drinking buddy and/or mentor - often whether the recipient likes it or not.
  • Heracles Alcides , The Lion of Olympus, Prince of Power, Herakles, Herc, Harry Cleese, Heracles , Hercules , Hercle
  • 325.0
  • 5.0
  • Public
  • *Golden Mace: Hercules possesses an indestructible Golden Mace forged by Hephaestus out of Adamantine, the legendary substance after which adamantium was named. The Mace has survived direct blows from Thor's Hammer without damage. Backed by Hercules strength the Golden Mace can crush almost any substance or break virtually any barrier. It was forged by the Olympian Hephaestus for Hercules as a replacement for a wooden club he had used as a mortal. The Golden Mace seems to be as strong and durable as Mjolnir. *Bow: bow with arrows dipped in Hydra blood. Hercules has hesitated to use his bow after the incident with Nessus. *Nemean Lion Skin: the skin of the Nemean Lion acts as an indestructible armor and shield's Hercules from virtually any injury. *Weapons of Greek Myth: Additionally, Hercules has access to a multitude of powerful Greek weapons from ancient myth. These include the sword of Peleus, the shield of Perseus - which has an image of the gorgon Medusa on it and the gorgon power to change living beings into stone - and the arrows of Heracles - which have been dipped in the blood of the Hydra and are therefore deadly even to gods as well as mortals.
  • Thebes, Greece
  • Greek
  • Olympian
  • 9.46728001E10
  • *Thor himself has admitted Hercules is his better in hand-to-hand combat. *Hercules has a strong sense of duty and honor which compels him to stand up for what he believes is right and just no matter what others consider acceptable or what the consequences may be. *The courage of Hercules is the equal of his strength; boundless. He has always and will always face any danger, fight any foe and battle all evil despite long odds or personal risk. *It's his philosophy that men must battle to truly know one and other, perhaps explaining why he's always ready to brawl/fight either friend or foe at a moments notice. When announcing his intent to bestow "The Gift of Battle," Hercules often abbreviates, calling it simply "The Gift", especially when using it as part of one of his battle cries, i.e.; "Prepare to receive the Gift!" *Hercules' other commonly used battle cry is "Have at Thee!" *Hercules' love of combat and sense of fair play prevent him from using his Golden Mace and Nemean Lion Skin armor frequently. However, when the situation does arrive for him to use them, these two items combined with Hercules natural strength and invulnerability turn Hercules, who is already a formidable combatant, into an almost unstoppable force of Olympus.
  • Earth-515
  • Adventurer, god of strength and labor
  • Avengers Identicard
  • Male
  • Alcaeus