  • I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil And I Want To Be Your Class President
  • Oliver Watson hates his father. He has hated his father since he was just born, and heard his father talking saying he was an ugly baby. While he normally has bigger plans, he has begun to neglect them to prove to his father once-and-for-all that he can be a good son.
  • Oliver Watson hates his father. He has hated his father since he was just born, and heard his father talking saying he was an ugly baby. While he normally has bigger plans, he has begun to neglect them to prove to his father once-and-for-all that he can be a good son. * Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Mocked. In his speech at the end he says that this is a popularity contest because Student Council has no power. * Archnemesis Dad * Bunny Ears Lawyer: There are several characters that could be argued for this, but the protagonist is likely the best bet. He is vindictive, manipulative, has a terrible temper, dresses as Lionel's grandpa, and loves grilled cheese sandwiches when made with his mother. * Captive Audience: He treats the audience as this. * Long Title * Screw the Rules, I Have Money