  • Caucasus Zecter
  • Used by Issei Kurosaki, the Caucasus Kabutech Zecter allows the wearer to transform into Kamen Rider Caucasus. The design is a gold Atlas beetle, which is also called as a "Caucasus beetle". Its Rider Beat, as performed on this Zecter, is used to initiate a tachyon-charged Rider Punch or Rider Kick, though this is never shown in the series proper, as Caucasus prefers using the Hyper Zecter for a finisher.
  • Used by Issei Kurosaki, the Caucasus Kabutech Zecter allows the wearer to transform into Kamen Rider Caucasus. The design is a gold Atlas beetle, which is also called as a "Caucasus beetle". Its Rider Beat, as performed on this Zecter, is used to initiate a tachyon-charged Rider Punch or Rider Kick, though this is never shown in the series proper, as Caucasus prefers using the Hyper Zecter for a finisher.