  • The Tsar's business
  • From: [[]] Her game is slow and savage. It's your game today. If you can keep out of her sight. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Nobody knows
Failure title
  • Discovered
  • 120
Failure description
  • A twig cracking like a pistol shot. A flash of stocking and a derringer. Today is not the day. You take shelter behind a bronze bust of a Frenchman.
From Card/Storylet title
  • An Agent of the Tsar
Success description
  • Silent tread through long grasses. A sudden turn of the head. You are […] a tourist, gazing up at the enamelled pagoda. 'Nobody knows I'm here,' she says to the devil taking snuff. The devil opens the carpet bag. The Russian stifles a shriek.
  • Her game is slow and savage. It's your game today. If you can keep out of her sight.
  • From: [[]] Her game is slow and savage. It's your game today. If you can keep out of her sight. [Find the rest of the story at ]