  • Cirno
  • Cirno
  • Cirno
  • Cirno
  • Cirno
  • Cirno es un hada del hielo. Mientras que ella es descrita como una jefa débil en la serie Touhou, si consideramos el poder de las hadas normales (que aparecen como enemigos regulares), podemos decir ciertamente que ella es excepcionalmente fuerte para su especie; su personalidad es infantil, como podría esperarse por su apariencia, y a veces es considerada idiota.
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • Cirno was a pirate of the crew Revenge of the Waffle in the Viridian Ocean. This pirate has been deleted. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Cirno (チルノ) is an ice fairy who first appeared on the second stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. As a fairy, she is exceptionally strong for her kind, matching the power of some weak youkai. However, compared to most of Gensokyo's residents, she's quite weak. Her personality is childish and she is sometimes considered stupid.
  • The strongest. Ever. There is no use arguing with her. She's absolutely the strongest and the fastest and the smartest. Everything she says is the word of God. Nothing anyone says will ever be true if she says it's not true. Cirno completely trumps every non-fairy being in Touhou and some more.
  • Чирно — ледяная фея. Но несмотря на то, что она описана как слабый противник в серии Touhou, если рассматривать силу обычных фей, являющихся регулярными противниками, то можно сказать, что она чрезвычайно сильна для своего вида. У неё ребяческий характер, что можно понять по её внешности, и её иногда считают глупой Во время событий Embodiment of Scarlet Devil она напала на игрока, который только проходил мимо, из-за инстинктивной агрессии. Она была легко побеждена. В Perfect Cherry Blossom, она вернулась как мид-босс, чтобы взять реванш за свой предыдущий бой, но была снова легко побеждена…
  • Cirno is a popular lesser villain from the Touhou Project series of videogames. She's an ice fairy that's rather strong when compared to most of the others of her kind, who usually act as enemies, while she is strong enough to be a boss or mid-boss.
  • Cirno is an ice fairy. While she is described as a weak boss in the Touhou series, if we consider the power of average fairies - who appear often as regular enemies - we can certainly say she is exceptionally strong for her kind. Her personality is childish, as you might expect from her appearance, and she is sometimes considered stupid. During the events of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she attacked the player, who was just passing by, out of instinctive aggression. She was helplessly shot down.
  • Cirno é uma Fada do gelo. Apesar de ela ser descrita como uma chefe fraca na série Touhou, se levarmos em consideração o poder das fadas normais - que aparecem frequentemente como inimigos comuns - podemos certamente afirmar que ela é excepcionalmente forte para sua espécie. Sua personalidade é infantil (como se pode esperar julgando por sua aparência) e ela é geralmente considerada estúpida. Durante os eventos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, ela atacou a heroína, que estava simplesmente de passagem, por mera agressividade instintiva. Ela foi facilmente abatida.
  • 0
  • *Embodiment of Scarlet Devil *Perfect Cherry Blossom *Phantasmagoria of Flower View *Shoot the Bullet *Touhou Hisoutensoku *Fairy Wars *Double Dealing Character *Impossible Spell Card *Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red Y Extra of Wind *Perfect Memento in Strict Sense *Silent Sinner in Blue *The Grimoire of Marisa *Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth *Oriental Sacred Place *Wild and Horned Hermit *Symposium of Post-mysticism *Strange Creators of the Outer World Vol.2 *Visionary Fairies in Shrine
Row 4 info
  • Manipulation of Chill
  • Cirno
Row 1 info
  • Cirno
  • Manipulación del frío
  • Manipulação do Frio
  • Áreas de baixa temperatura, Lago Nebuloso próximo à Mansão do Demônio Escarlate
  • * Ojos y pelo color agua, y alas con forma de cristales de hielo que son el símbolo de las hadas de hielo. Lleva una cinta verde, una blusa rosa claro y una pollera azul de una sola pieza. * Igual que en el 6, solo que en su sprite se le ven mangas largas * Igual que arriba, excepto que ella lleva ropa de magas largas y su cinta es de color azul en vez de verde. *el vestido de Cirno es una vez más azul. Su blusa se ha cambiado a blanco, la cinta es su cuello es de color rojo. Tiene grandes cejas * lleva el vestido de siempre, con una cinta de color azul muy grande, una cinta roja, blusa blanca con mangas cortas y va descalza
Row 4 title
  • Powers/Skills
  • Desconocida
  • *Fada Gélida do Lago *Youkai do Gelo *Pequena Fada do Gelo *Calafrio Desnatural *Fada de Gelo *Fada do Gelo
  • 1.893456E9
Row 2 info
  • Ice Fairy of the Lake, Youkai of the Ice, Small Ice Fairy, Unnatural Chill, Ice Fairy, Fairy of Ice, Chirno, Chiruno, ⑨
Row 6 info
  • Fairy
type of villain
  • Dimwit
Row 1 title
  • Fullname
  • Implícitamente más de 60, aunque ella es una niña en términos de youkai
  • Áreas frías, Lago de la Niebla cerca de la Mansion Scarlet Devil
Row 5 info
  • Ice cream stand hopping
Row 2 title
  • Alias
Row 6 title
  • Type of Hero
Row 5 title
  • Hobby
Row 3 info
  • Touhou Series
Row 3 title
  • Origin
Box Title
  • Evil-doer
  • Do-Gooder
  • チルノ(Chiruno) Cirno
  • Touhou Project
  • Touhou Series
  • Cirno
  • Manipulation of Chill
  • Больше 62 лет, однако она совсем ещё ребёнок, по меркам ёкаев.
  • Gibt an über 60 zu sein obwohl sie in Youkai Verhältnissen ein Kind ist
  • Viridian
  • Cirno
  • Чирно
  • チルノ Cirno
  • チルノ(ちるの)
  • no
  • Artwork from
  • Manipulation der Kälte
  • Управление низкими температурами
  • Chirno, Chiruno, Chirimu
  • Ice Fairy of the Lake, Youkai of the Ice, Small Ice Fairy, Unnatural Chill, Ice Fairy, Fairy of Ice, Chirno, Chiruno, ⑨
  • Ice cream stand hopping
  • チルノ
  • pirate
  • Th14Cirno.png
Image size
  • 300
  • * Глаза и волосы цвета воды, крылья в форме сосулек, указывающие на её принадлежность к роду ледяных фей. Носит зеленую ленту в волосах, светло-розовую блузку и синюю юбку из цельного куска ткани. * То же самое, что и выше, за исключением того, что она носит одежду с длинными рукавами и лента в волосах стала синей вместо зеленого.
  • Unbekannt
  • Бездельничать, хулиганить вместе с другими феями.
  • Cirno
Image File
  • Cirno.full.1263816.jpg
  • Nenmin's version
  • Various
  • Kalte gebiete, Misty Lake nahe der Scarlet Devil Mansion
  • Холодные места, Туманное озеро рядом с Особняком Алой Дьяволицы
Nomes Alternativos
  • Chirno, Chiruno
  • Cirno, Chirno, Ciruno
  • *Embodiment of Scarlet Devil *Perfect Cherry Blossom *Phantasmagoria of Flower View *Shoot the Bullet *Touhou Hisoutensoku *Fairy Wars *Double Dealing Character
  • * Olhos e cabelos azuis, seis asas em forma de sincelos. Usa um laço azul, blusa rosa clara e vestido azul. * Mesma aparência, contudo seu laço é verde ao invés de azul. -porém seu sprite no 9 continua com o laço azul-. * Igual ao anterior, porém seu laço tem um tom de verde mais escuro e seu vestido é roxo. * Mais uma vez, Cirno usa um laço azul. Sua blusa agora é branca e ela tem sobrancelhas mais grossas. * Igual ao acima, exceto que ela agora tem quatro asas, sobrancelhas menores e um laço maior.
Tamanho da Imagem
  • 240
  • Desconhecida
  • *Daiyousei *Sunny Milk *Luna Child *Star Sapphire *Rumia *Wriggle Nightbug *Mystia Lorelei *Letty Whiterock
  • *Hada del Hielo del Lago *Youkai del Hielo *Pequeña Hada del Hielo *Congelante innatural *Hada del Hielo
  • *Daiyousei *Sunny Milk *Luna Child *Star Sapphire *Rumia *Wriggle Nightbug *Mystia Lorelei *Letty Whiterock
  • Чирно — ледяная фея. Но несмотря на то, что она описана как слабый противник в серии Touhou, если рассматривать силу обычных фей, являющихся регулярными противниками, то можно сказать, что она чрезвычайно сильна для своего вида. У неё ребяческий характер, что можно понять по её внешности, и её иногда считают глупой Во время событий Embodiment of Scarlet Devil она напала на игрока, который только проходил мимо, из-за инстинктивной агрессии. Она была легко побеждена. В Perfect Cherry Blossom, она вернулась как мид-босс, чтобы взять реванш за свой предыдущий бой, но была снова легко побеждена… В Phantasmagoria of Flower View Чирно бесцельно гуляет, очевидно её не заботит цветочный инцидент, кроме того, что цветы — очередная вещь, которую можно заморозить и поиграть. Через диалоги показана ее истинная детская натура, не оставляющая сомнений в её интеллектуальных способностях. Она действительно не хотела делать ничего, кроме как просто играть.
  • Cirno is a popular lesser villain from the Touhou Project series of videogames. She's an ice fairy that's rather strong when compared to most of the others of her kind, who usually act as enemies, while she is strong enough to be a boss or mid-boss. She made her debut in the sixth game: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil as the boss of the Frozen Lake and, since then, has appeared in numerous other titles of the franchise as well as spin-off games and fanmade media, usually as a funny character. The reason for this is because Cirno's best known for not being too good on the head; she's usually portrayed as a clueless, simple-minded, arrogant, hotheaded and usually powerless comic relief; her attack, Icicle Fall, is also known for being likely to miss if one stands in a specific spot on the screen. Cirno is still a charismatic girl and has even received her own official game, Touhou: Fairy Wars in which she's the main character.
  • Cirno es un hada del hielo. Mientras que ella es descrita como una jefa débil en la serie Touhou, si consideramos el poder de las hadas normales (que aparecen como enemigos regulares), podemos decir ciertamente que ella es excepcionalmente fuerte para su especie; su personalidad es infantil, como podría esperarse por su apariencia, y a veces es considerada idiota.
  • Cirno is an ice fairy. While she is described as a weak boss in the Touhou series, if we consider the power of average fairies - who appear often as regular enemies - we can certainly say she is exceptionally strong for her kind. Her personality is childish, as you might expect from her appearance, and she is sometimes considered stupid. During the events of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she attacked the player, who was just passing by, out of instinctive aggression. She was helplessly shot down. In Perfect Cherry Blossom, she returned to take revenge for her previous fight, but was only a mid-boss and was easily defeated like one. In Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Cirno aimlessly wandered about, apparently unconcerned by the flower incident for any reason other than the flowers being something else for her to freeze and play with. Through her dialog, her true childish nature is revealed, leaving no doubt that she really isn't smart at all. She really wasn't meaning to do anything but play games. In Touhou Hisoutensoku, Cirno was intrigued by what she believed to be the great Daidarabotchi and hoped to tame it so that she won't be afraid of anything anymore. She showed more intelligence than in the previous game, as she has lost her habit of starting fights and admitted that she is incapable of defeating the Daidarabotchi if it lives in the hot spring's boiler, since it is too hot for her. After the events of Strange and Bright Nature Deity, in Fairy Wars, Cirno tries to find those responsible for destroying their house. After learning that it was the Three Mischievous Fairies, goes in search of those responsible, to which defeat easily, because Cirno is the strongest. After, Cirno wanders around for a while, bored of weak opponents. While wandering, she encounters Marisa Kirisame, making Cirno think she is a worthy opponent. They battle, and later, Marisa pauses and realising how powerful Cirno was. Marisa goes slightly harder, but is still defeated. Marisa claims that she didn't try as an excuse for her loss.
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • Cirno was a pirate of the crew Revenge of the Waffle in the Viridian Ocean. This pirate has been deleted. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Cirno é uma Fada do gelo. Apesar de ela ser descrita como uma chefe fraca na série Touhou, se levarmos em consideração o poder das fadas normais - que aparecem frequentemente como inimigos comuns - podemos certamente afirmar que ela é excepcionalmente forte para sua espécie. Sua personalidade é infantil (como se pode esperar julgando por sua aparência) e ela é geralmente considerada estúpida. Durante os eventos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, ela atacou a heroína, que estava simplesmente de passagem, por mera agressividade instintiva. Ela foi facilmente abatida. Em Perfect Cherry Blossom, ela retorna para se vingar pela luta anterior, mas era apenas uma mini-chefe e acaba sendo derrotada mais uma vez com facilidade, como esperado de uma mini-chefe. Em Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Cirno voava sem rumo, aparentemente pouco preocupada com o incidente das flores, pois para Cirno, elas eram apenas coisas para congelar. Através de seus diálogos, sua verdadeira natureza infantil é evidenciada e não resta dúvida alguma acerca de sua falta de inteligência. Em meio a todo o evento, ela não quer nada além de brincar. Em Touhou Hisoutensoku, Cirno fica intrigada pela criatura que ela acredita ser o grande Daidarabotchi e tenta domá-la para que não tivesse mais nada a temer. Ela demonstra mais inteligência que nos jogos anteriores, não mais começando brigas, e sendo capaz de admitir que seria incapaz de derrotar o grande Daidarabotchi se ele vivesse no aquecedor das fontes termais, pois lá a temperatura seria alta demais para Cirno. Após os eventos de Strange and Bright Nature Deity, em Fairy Wars, Cirno tenta localizar os responsáveis pela destruição de sua habitação. Ao descobrir que as culpadas eram as "Três Fadas Travessas", Cirno vai em busca delas e facilmente as derrota, pois Cirno é "a mais forte". Após esses eventos, Cirno volta a vagar livremente, procurando por inimigos poderosos, afim de alimentar seu ego e provar a si mesma que ela é realmente "a mais forte", como costuma se proclamar. Eventualmente, ela encontra Marisa Kirisame. Elas batalham, e após algum tempo, Marisa pausa, notando o quão poderosa Cirno era. Marisa se esforça um pouco mais, porém ainda é derrotada. Marisa afirma não ter levado a luta a sério. Categoria:Personagens Categoria:Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Categoria:Perfect Cherry Blossom Categoria:Phantasmagoria of Flower View Categoria:Shoot the Bullet Categoria:Touhou Hisoutensoku Categoria:Fairy Wars Categoria:Double Dealing Character
  • Cirno (チルノ) is an ice fairy who first appeared on the second stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. As a fairy, she is exceptionally strong for her kind, matching the power of some weak youkai. However, compared to most of Gensokyo's residents, she's quite weak. Her personality is childish and she is sometimes considered stupid.
  • The strongest. Ever. There is no use arguing with her. She's absolutely the strongest and the fastest and the smartest. Everything she says is the word of God. Nothing anyone says will ever be true if she says it's not true. Cirno completely trumps every non-fairy being in Touhou and some more.
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