  • CopAlert (deleted 16 Jun 2008 at 01:59)
  • CopAlertâ„¢ is a Web-based speed trap location, reporting, and notification system. It was developed by James Henry of BlueVision, LLC in the year 2000. The service went public in 2002. CopAlert works by allowing users to report the locations of cops on United States highways, roadways, interstates, and other locations. This allows other users to search for cops at specific locations. Users can also set up subscriptions so that they can be notified of nearby cops on the devices of their choices.
  • CopAlertâ„¢ is a Web-based speed trap location, reporting, and notification system. It was developed by James Henry of BlueVision, LLC in the year 2000. The service went public in 2002. CopAlert works by allowing users to report the locations of cops on United States highways, roadways, interstates, and other locations. This allows other users to search for cops at specific locations. Users can also set up subscriptions so that they can be notified of nearby cops on the devices of their choices. CopAlert is implemented as a service that allows system integrators to create software applications that interact with the system. This provides for an unlimited array of devices on which the service is supported, such as navigation systems, personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, laptops, tablet PCs, and advanced radar/laser detectors. Basically, any device that supports the communication protocol understood by CopAlert can interact with the system.