  • D'ni calendar
  • The D'ni year was called a hahr, roughly equivalent to a solar (surface) year. The D'ni people divided the hahr in 10 "months" (vaileetee) or 290 "days" (yahrtee). The year started with the first day of the first month, Leefo 1, which corresponded to our April 20 or 21, depending on the year and ended on Leenovoo 29. Each vailee was divided in 29 yahrtee. Each month was named after a number (see: D'ni Numerals) with the prefix of lee- and some alterations.
  • The D'ni year was called a hahr, roughly equivalent to a solar (surface) year. The D'ni people divided the hahr in 10 "months" (vaileetee) or 290 "days" (yahrtee). The year started with the first day of the first month, Leefo 1, which corresponded to our April 20 or 21, depending on the year and ended on Leenovoo 29. Each vailee was divided in 29 yahrtee. Each month was named after a number (see: D'ni Numerals) with the prefix of lee- and some alterations. 1. * Leefo 2. * Leebro 3. * Leesahn 4. * Leetar 5. * Leevot 6. * Leevofo 7. * Leevobro 8. * Leevosahn 9. * Leevotar 10. * Leenovoo