  • Renato Farani's Sith Sword
  • Renato Farani's Sith Sword is a currently nameless weapon that used to belong to the Dark Lord Arksis Nan, a master duelist and expert Sith alchemist. The Dark Lord's preference for always bettering his skills meant that he crafted several swords for himself to test his abilities. Each sword was an improvement over the last and the one he would use in combat until he created his next sword.
  • *Arksis Nan *Renato Farani
  • Renato Farani's Sith Sword
  • Unique Weapon
  • 1.1
  • Sith Sword
  • *Halomek *Archangel
  • 0.81
  • Renato Farani's Sith Sword is a currently nameless weapon that used to belong to the Dark Lord Arksis Nan, a master duelist and expert Sith alchemist. The Dark Lord's preference for always bettering his skills meant that he crafted several swords for himself to test his abilities. Each sword was an improvement over the last and the one he would use in combat until he created his next sword. The sword that the Dark Lord would eventually give to Renato was his latest and most honed blade at the time. The sword is perfectly balanced, incredibly strong, and so sharp that it can cut through durasteel easily; all without a hint of dulling the edge from continued use. Although not initially imbued with the Dark Side, the weapon inevitably gained its taint after being wielded by Arksis. Renato has taken great pains to purge the Dark Side from the sword, although it isn't entirely certain that the taint has been completely removed. Like his father's vibroblade, he keeps it with him as often as possible, and even trains with it. It is a constant reminder to him of his failure to stop Arksis and that he must one day face him again...