  • Hoverboard
  • Hoverboard
  • HoverBoard
  • Hoverboard
  • Hoverboard
  • Hoverboard
  • thumb|175px|Ratchet sur un hoverboard Un Hoverboard est une planche à anti-gravité qui est la plupart du temps utilisé dans des compétitions sportives renommées (comme à Blackwater City). Ce véhicule aérien est principalement produit par la corporation Gadgetron et la population galactique est friand des courses d'hoverboards.
  • Hoverboards were like skateboards, but could hover above the ground. They had automatic stabilisers and could move at breakneck speeds. Amy bought Rory several hoverboards. These were left behind after they returned home and the Eleventh Doctor, Rachael Peterson and Louie Rollins used them to quickly get to a warehouse at the other side of town. (WC: Attack of the Snowmen)
  • Das Hoverboard ist das erste board. Die höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 145km/h. Siehe auch →board
  • The Hoverboard is a furniture item that was sold at the Cloudy Cloth Clipper in Moshi Monsters.
  • Das Hoverboard war ein Anti-Schwerkraft-Board, welches bei diversen Sportarten wie zum Beispiel Hoverboard Rennen eingesetzt wurde. Skid McMarx besaß eines der besten Hoverboard der Solana-Galaxie, ein Z3000 Deluxe Hoverboard. Er gab es Ratchet auf dem Planeten Aridia, damit dieser an den Rennen auf Rilgar teilnehmen konnte. Ratchet konnte mit dem Z3000 so gut umgehen, dass Skid's Agent ihn zu seinem neuen Star machte und der Gadetron Verkäufer ihn für das neue Hoverboard werben ließ.
  • Hoverboard on laite, jonka avulla voi osallistua Hoverboardkisoihin. Sen saa auttamalla Skidd McMarxia pääsemään eroon Sandsharkseista.
  • Hoverboards are also used in the Race multiplayer game in Conker's Bad Fur Day.
  • A Protoss means of ground transportation, the Hoverboard is primarily in use by Purifiers.
  • The HoverBoard is AquaShee's second agent. Norns love to zoom around on it. It can be found at Albian Oceans. Image:GreenApple.jpg
  • The Thunderkittens are first seen riding their hoverboards in the beginning of "New Alliances," where they lure a troop of lizardmen into a trap, where Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara are waiting to ambush them. The hoverboards resemble surfboards in design, with a single fin under the back end. WilyKit's board is a dark charcoal gray with coral pink trim, which matches her outfit, while WilyKat's board has a color scheme matching Lion-O's armor. Both hoverboards have a large red jewel near the tip, resembling the red jewels on the ThunderCats' uniforms.
  • Hoverboards are made and mostly used at Agrav, the air and gravity settlement of Tehktra Nui but are also used by KMES. They can be used as transport but now their use has evolved into a sport. The best player of the sport was Aliki ,and inturn has been rebuilt for his achievments, but is now Katron.
  • The Hoverboard is a Powerup introduced in the Back to the Future Level Kit, that lets Sackboy hover above the ground slightly. Like the Hook Hat, the Hoverboard allows Sackboy to traverse along Bendy Rails. Apart from that, the Hoverboard lets Sackboy jump higher and move considerably faster, (even faster than OddSock), but also has far less traction after letting go of the Left Stick while moving. Slopes are also much easier to deal with when equipped, and it even allows Sackboy to go up walls for a very brief period, similar to OddSock.
  • The player can click on the hoverboard in the inventory to start or stop using it. Enabling the option will make Sims travel to a nearby destination riding the hoverboard instead of walking. Riding a hoverboard will increase the Sim's Advanced Technology skill.
  • right|thumb|250px|Hoverboard Hoverboard (ang. Deskolotka) jest odrzutową odmianą deskorolki, dostępną w Unreal Tournament 3 standardowo dla każdego zawodnika w trybach Warfare oraz Vehicle Capture the Flag. Pozwala piechocie na szybsze przemieszczanie się po mapach oraz podczepianie się do dowolnego pojazdu kierowanego przez zawodnika z drużyny, także latającego jak Raptor, czy Fury. Deskolotka zastępuje Translocatora w obu ww. trybach i aktywowana jest domyślnie za pomocą klawisza Q.
  • A hoverboard is a Hover converted board shaped vehicle similar to a skateboard. They were manufactured in 2015 for all age ranges by different companies. Mattel made pink and orange models with handlebars for young children. Other companies made more aggressive boards, that were used by gangs in some instances, including the No Tech series, the Rising Sun, the Question Mark, and the Pit Bull, a rocket-fired board with three attachments for other riders on similar boards.
  • The line of hoverboards, a series of seven hoverboards, began with the Ghost Hoverboard, created on October 21, 2011. Although it can hover in the air, it worked similarly to skateboards, since it can jump and even fall. It didn't have any special abilities, and there was a lack of technology to prevent it from falling like hoverboards today. Many users criticized the gear item because they kept tipping over and falling while riding it.
  • 5
  • 135
  • Buy mode
  • The Sims 3: Into the Future
  • Hoverboard
  • Hoverboard
  • Windcarver
  • Transportation
  • You can't sully pristine walkways and groomed lawns with noisy, grindy wheels! Windcarvers are the vehicles of choice for thrill-seekers and pedestrians alike. Not intended for use over water.
  • Hoverboard
  • 80
  • §500
  • Hoverboard
  • Hoverboard
  • Cloudy Cloth Clipper
Image File
  • Hoverboard.png
  • 0
  • 1
  • The Hoverboard is a Powerup introduced in the Back to the Future Level Kit, that lets Sackboy hover above the ground slightly. Like the Hook Hat, the Hoverboard allows Sackboy to traverse along Bendy Rails. Apart from that, the Hoverboard lets Sackboy jump higher and move considerably faster, (even faster than OddSock), but also has far less traction after letting go of the Left Stick while moving. Slopes are also much easier to deal with when equipped, and it even allows Sackboy to go up walls for a very brief period, similar to OddSock. Despite hovering above the ground however, Sackboy is still vulnerable to hazards lying on the ground, and the Hoverboard seemingly deactivates if Sackboy lands in a pit of danger, or falls into Water.
  • thumb|175px|Ratchet sur un hoverboard Un Hoverboard est une planche à anti-gravité qui est la plupart du temps utilisé dans des compétitions sportives renommées (comme à Blackwater City). Ce véhicule aérien est principalement produit par la corporation Gadgetron et la population galactique est friand des courses d'hoverboards.
  • Hoverboards were like skateboards, but could hover above the ground. They had automatic stabilisers and could move at breakneck speeds. Amy bought Rory several hoverboards. These were left behind after they returned home and the Eleventh Doctor, Rachael Peterson and Louie Rollins used them to quickly get to a warehouse at the other side of town. (WC: Attack of the Snowmen)
  • Das Hoverboard ist das erste board. Die höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 145km/h. Siehe auch →board
  • The line of hoverboards, a series of seven hoverboards, began with the Ghost Hoverboard, created on October 21, 2011. Although it can hover in the air, it worked similarly to skateboards, since it can jump and even fall. It didn't have any special abilities, and there was a lack of technology to prevent it from falling like hoverboards today. Many users criticized the gear item because they kept tipping over and falling while riding it. The next installment in the hoverboards line is the Merely's Sparkle Time Hoverboard, which was released on July 26, 2013. It had several major changes: unlike the Ghost Hoverboard, it moves differently, so it won't jump or fall. ROBLOX also added sparkles and the ability to boost the speed of the hoverboard, which replaced the jump ability. Due to the gear item's praise and popularity, many users have began creating retextures of the hoverboard, usually changing it to a different color that hasn't been officially released on the catalog. Later in 2015, two new variants were released, which are both retextures, Merely's Green Sparkle Time Hoverboard, released on February 12, a green version of the hoverboard, and Merely's Bluesteel Hoverboard, which is made of two materials: sparkle time and bluesteel, and was released on August 19. Another completely different variant, Merely's Hover Surfboard, was released on April 3. Around later in the same year, ROBLOX added the ability to pick up all hoverboards. On July 16, 2016, a pink variant of the Merely's Sparkle Time Hoverboard was released, known as the "Merely's Pink Sparkletime Hoverboard". In 2016, ROBLOX introduced rolling hoverboards, which roll on wheels like skateboards, except the player cannot fall or pick up the item. The Red Rolling Hoverboard was the first rolling hoverboard, which costs in the catalog, and a pink variant known as the Midnight Motor Rolling Hoverboard was on sale for a limited time for as part of the 2016 Midnight Summer Sale. The Viridian Hoverboard (a rolling hoverboard made out of the viridian material) was released on August 27, 2016 for , although it was created on August 19, 2016.
  • The Hoverboard is a furniture item that was sold at the Cloudy Cloth Clipper in Moshi Monsters.
  • Das Hoverboard war ein Anti-Schwerkraft-Board, welches bei diversen Sportarten wie zum Beispiel Hoverboard Rennen eingesetzt wurde. Skid McMarx besaß eines der besten Hoverboard der Solana-Galaxie, ein Z3000 Deluxe Hoverboard. Er gab es Ratchet auf dem Planeten Aridia, damit dieser an den Rennen auf Rilgar teilnehmen konnte. Ratchet konnte mit dem Z3000 so gut umgehen, dass Skid's Agent ihn zu seinem neuen Star machte und der Gadetron Verkäufer ihn für das neue Hoverboard werben ließ.
  • Hoverboard on laite, jonka avulla voi osallistua Hoverboardkisoihin. Sen saa auttamalla Skidd McMarxia pääsemään eroon Sandsharkseista.
  • right|thumb|250px|Hoverboard Hoverboard (ang. Deskolotka) jest odrzutową odmianą deskorolki, dostępną w Unreal Tournament 3 standardowo dla każdego zawodnika w trybach Warfare oraz Vehicle Capture the Flag. Pozwala piechocie na szybsze przemieszczanie się po mapach oraz podczepianie się do dowolnego pojazdu kierowanego przez zawodnika z drużyny, także latającego jak Raptor, czy Fury. Deskolotka zastępuje Translocatora w obu ww. trybach i aktywowana jest domyślnie za pomocą klawisza Q. Zawodnicy korzystający z Deskolotki nie mogą używać żadnej z posiadanych broni, w trybie VCTF w przeciwieństwie do Translocatora z CTF, podczas jej używania nie tracą flagi. Podobnie ma się sprawa z kulami Orb, których w innych pojazdach przenieść nie sposób. Najmniejsze trafienie lub upadek z większej wysokości powodują natychmiastowe strącenie gracza z pojazdu. Polski opis z instrukcji Niezawodny sposób transportowania piechoty od tysiącleci był jednym z najważniejszych zagadnień logistycznych na polu bitwy. Fabryki pojazdów potrzebują olbrzymich dostaw Tarydium, a osobiste urządzenia dyslokacyjne na dużych polach bitwy szybko wyczerpują swój zapas energii. Teraz idealnym rozwiązaniem problemów zunifikowanego transportu są Deskolotki. Harmoniczna oscylacja trzech wirujących kół zamachowych z Tarydium daje ciąg, który może utrzymać jadącego w powietrzu. Specjalne systemy zwojów czerpią energię kinetyczną z kół zamachowych, zasilając kilka wirników w spodzie deski, które wytwarzają pęd. Opływowe kształty Deskolotki i system sterowania mają jedną wadę: kierujący jest bezbronny, jakiekolwiek trafienie prawdopodobnie zakończy się jego upadkiem. Należy pamiętać, że deska nie radzi sobie najlepiej nad gładkimi powierzchniami, takimi jak woda i lód, można wykorzystać hak magnetyczny, jeśli kierujący chce być ciągnięty przez większy pojazd.
  • Hoverboards are also used in the Race multiplayer game in Conker's Bad Fur Day.
  • The player can click on the hoverboard in the inventory to start or stop using it. Enabling the option will make Sims travel to a nearby destination riding the hoverboard instead of walking. Riding a hoverboard will increase the Sim's Advanced Technology skill. The Advanced Technology skill determines how often Sims will fall from riding the hoverboard and the speed of the hoverboard. As Sims reach level 7 of the skill, they will no longer fall, and there's a chance that they will do a trick upon reaching their destination. Clumsy Sims have 15% higher chance of falling while using the hoverboard.
  • A hoverboard is a Hover converted board shaped vehicle similar to a skateboard. They were manufactured in 2015 for all age ranges by different companies. Mattel made pink and orange models with handlebars for young children. Other companies made more aggressive boards, that were used by gangs in some instances, including the No Tech series, the Rising Sun, the Question Mark, and the Pit Bull, a rocket-fired board with three attachments for other riders on similar boards. Hoverboards worked similarly in principle to skateboards in that they needed momentum by the rider and most would become useless in terrain not suited for them, i.e. water, ice and other low traction surfaces, save for the more powerful Pit Bull model. There was a sign by the pond in Courthouse Square which clearly read NO HOVERBOARDING. Griff Tannen and his gang were presumably also charged with violating this local ordinance, as well as causing serious damage to the front of the Hill Valley Courthouse, which they crashed straight into during their hoverboard pursuit of Marty. According to the Newsline column on the front page of the October 22, 2015 issue of USA Today, a Border Collie music video star called Maddy, who could ride a hoverboard, had her own one hour television special on Canine Sports Network that evening. It was also announced in the column that in 2016, hoverboards would be "lighter and thinner", but they still wouldn't work on water. Unlike the hovering board from the movie, the public perceives a hoverboard to be an electrically powered vehicle, which looks a lot like a skateboard, but rolls on two wheels.
  • A Protoss means of ground transportation, the Hoverboard is primarily in use by Purifiers.
  • The HoverBoard is AquaShee's second agent. Norns love to zoom around on it. It can be found at Albian Oceans. Image:GreenApple.jpg
  • The Thunderkittens are first seen riding their hoverboards in the beginning of "New Alliances," where they lure a troop of lizardmen into a trap, where Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara are waiting to ambush them. The hoverboards resemble surfboards in design, with a single fin under the back end. WilyKit's board is a dark charcoal gray with coral pink trim, which matches her outfit, while WilyKat's board has a color scheme matching Lion-O's armor. Both hoverboards have a large red jewel near the tip, resembling the red jewels on the ThunderCats' uniforms.
  • Hoverboards are made and mostly used at Agrav, the air and gravity settlement of Tehktra Nui but are also used by KMES. They can be used as transport but now their use has evolved into a sport. The best player of the sport was Aliki ,and inturn has been rebuilt for his achievments, but is now Katron.
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