  • Lilo and Stitch (Disney film)/Fridge
  • Is there a Fridge Heartbreaking? * Look at how Lilo interacts with the girls in her hula class, and how they treat her. She called them her friends, and is constantly trying to hang out/play with/be around them, while they all push her away and mock her. It's likely that all the girls used to be friends, but when confronted with Lilo's unique methods of coping with her parents' deaths, they pushed her away because she was 'weird' now. Lilo is either unable or unwilling to accept that her former friends have rejected her.
  • Is there a Fridge Heartbreaking? * Look at how Lilo interacts with the girls in her hula class, and how they treat her. She called them her friends, and is constantly trying to hang out/play with/be around them, while they all push her away and mock her. It's likely that all the girls used to be friends, but when confronted with Lilo's unique methods of coping with her parents' deaths, they pushed her away because she was 'weird' now. Lilo is either unable or unwilling to accept that her former friends have rejected her.