  • Speak against the proposition
  • From: [[]] The soul trade is a foul blight on London. Logic and reason will serve you better here than impassioned rhetoric. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Lighting the way
Failure title
  • On deaf ears
  • 89
Failure description
  • Your arguments sound tired. Your points have been foreseen and effectively countered by your opponents. The audience sigh and jeer. You can see knots of students and the public shuffling off to speak with devils. The Spirifers will be busy tonight.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The debate closes
Success description
  • You speak of duty, of decency and of prudence. You speak of blasphemy and retribution. You speak of uncertainty and the nature of devils. […] The vote goes your way[…]. For lighting the way, the chaplain sends you some candles.
  • The soul trade is a foul blight on London. Logic and reason will serve you better here than impassioned rhetoric.
  • From: [[]] The soul trade is a foul blight on London. Logic and reason will serve you better here than impassioned rhetoric. [Find the rest of the story at ]