  • Abdomen
  • Abdomen
  • Abdomen
  • Abdomen
  • The abdomen refers to the middle portion of the human body or other species, which is located below the chest, and contains the internal organ known as the stomach. When Batman was demonstrating to Dick Grayson how to do the Heimlich maneuver, he told him to use his hands to thrust upward against his abdomen.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Abdomen]] abdomen, of uncertain origin.
  • An abdomen is the back end of an arthropod which usually contains most of the organs and the genitals. The abdomen is connected to the thorax in insects, but the cephalothorax on arachnids.
  • In vertebrates, the abdomen is a large cavity enclosed by the abdominal muscles, ventraly and lateraly, and by the vertebral column dorsally. Lower ribs can also enclose ventral and lateral walls. The abdominal cavity is continuous with the pelvic cavity. It is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm. Structures such as the aorta, inferior vena cava and esophagus pass through the diaphragm. Both the abdominal and pelvic cavities are lined by a serous membrane known as the parietal peritoneum. This membrane is continuous with the visceral peritoneum lining the organs[3]. The abdomen in vertebrates contains a number of organs belonging, for instance, to the digestive tract and urinary system.
  • The abdomen is the section of the human body below the ribcage and above the pelvis (hips). It has no other bones except the spine. It contains several important body organs, such as the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, small intestine, spleen and, in women, the ovaries and uterus.
  • The abdomen was the part of a humanoid body between the thorax and the pelvis. The abdominal cavity was located here as well as several organs. Another term for cramps was "post-prandial upper abdominal distension". (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) In 2153, Phlox prescribed Trip Tucker Aldebaran mud leeches against insomnia, of which he was supposed to place one on his chest and one on his abdomen. (ENT: "Anomaly") In 2268, Leonard McCoy was tortured by Vians, which caused many injuries, including bleeding in his chest and abdomen. (TOS: "The Empath" )
  • El abdomen de la abeja se compone de nueve segmentos. El primero se halla sobre el tórax y recibe el nombre de propódeo. Del resto sólo 6 son visibles en las obreras y en la reina; y 7 en el zángano, pues los otros sufrieron transformaciones al servir de apoyo e inserción del aguijón y, en el caso del zángano, de los órganos genitales. Los músculos abdominales del zángano están muy desarrollados lo cual es importante desde el punto de vista fisiológico para que en el instante de la cópula pueda producir rápidamente la eversión del endófalo.
  • The abdomen refers to the middle portion of the human body or other species, which is located below the chest, and contains the internal organ known as the stomach. When Batman was demonstrating to Dick Grayson how to do the Heimlich maneuver, he told him to use his hands to thrust upward against his abdomen.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Abdomen]] abdomen, of uncertain origin.
  • The abdomen is the section of the human body below the ribcage and above the pelvis (hips). It has no other bones except the spine. It contains several important body organs, such as the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, small intestine, spleen and, in women, the ovaries and uterus. Because the abdomen contains so many body structures, abdominal pain is a very signicant symptom, but does not assist much in a diagnosis unless it can be localized to a specific organ. For example, acid reflux, gallstones and ulcers can all cause pain in the same area. For this reason, radiological investigation is usually required for a definitive diagnosis.
  • The abdomen was the part of a humanoid body between the thorax and the pelvis. The abdominal cavity was located here as well as several organs. Another term for cramps was "post-prandial upper abdominal distension". (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) In 2153, Phlox prescribed Trip Tucker Aldebaran mud leeches against insomnia, of which he was supposed to place one on his chest and one on his abdomen. (ENT: "Anomaly") In 2268, Leonard McCoy was tortured by Vians, which caused many injuries, including bleeding in his chest and abdomen. (TOS: "The Empath" ) In 2367, K'Ehleyr suffered from multiple stab wounds in her chest and abdomen after being attacked by Duras. (TNG: "Reunion" ) In 2372, Samantha Wildman experienced a sharp pain in her abdomen due to the unborn Naomi Wildman shifting position. (VOY: "Deadlock") In 2373, according to The Doctor, the abdominal organs of a deceased Borg drone were unremarkable. (VOY: "Unity") According to Neelix in 2377, food laced with Talaxian wormroot caused abdominal spasms, which increased in severity for thirty to forty hours. (VOY: "Critical Care")
  • El abdomen de la abeja se compone de nueve segmentos. El primero se halla sobre el tórax y recibe el nombre de propódeo. Del resto sólo 6 son visibles en las obreras y en la reina; y 7 en el zángano, pues los otros sufrieron transformaciones al servir de apoyo e inserción del aguijón y, en el caso del zángano, de los órganos genitales. Los segmentos abdominales del exoesqueleto poseen sólo dos placas cada uno, denominadas escleritos: los escleritos reciben denominaciones complejas las dorsales, llamadas terguitos y las ventrales, denominadas esternitos. Las placas dorsales se enciman unas a otras, manteniéndose unidas por medio de membranas intersegmentales, lo que les permite libertad de movimiento. En su parte interior, poseen repliegues en los bordes en los cuales se insertan los músculos. Las placas dorsales se enciman sobre las ventrales como las primeras entre sí. Este sistema de placas superpuestas unidas por membranas flexibles, permite al insecto una gran variedad de movimientos. Por medio de los músculos abdominales el cuerpo de la abeja puede alargarse o acortarse, expandirse o contraerse, como también curvarse en cualquier dirección. Durante la respiración, las expansiones rítmicas llevan y sacan aire de los sacos aéreos y el comportamiento del abdomen es similar al de un fuelle. Los músculos abdominales del zángano están muy desarrollados lo cual es importante desde el punto de vista fisiológico para que en el instante de la cópula pueda producir rápidamente la eversión del endófalo. Glándulas especiales, situadas en la cabeza, producen jalea real una rica sustancia para la cría. Las glándulas cereras del abdomen producen cera para la construcción del panal. En la parte dorsal del abdomen se encuentra la glándula de Nasanoff, que es una glándula odorífera con la cual las abejas marcan fuentes de alimento o llaman a los individuos de ua misma colonia.
  • An abdomen is the back end of an arthropod which usually contains most of the organs and the genitals. The abdomen is connected to the thorax in insects, but the cephalothorax on arachnids.
  • In vertebrates, the abdomen is a large cavity enclosed by the abdominal muscles, ventraly and lateraly, and by the vertebral column dorsally. Lower ribs can also enclose ventral and lateral walls. The abdominal cavity is continuous with the pelvic cavity. It is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm. Structures such as the aorta, inferior vena cava and esophagus pass through the diaphragm. Both the abdominal and pelvic cavities are lined by a serous membrane known as the parietal peritoneum. This membrane is continuous with the visceral peritoneum lining the organs[3]. The abdomen in vertebrates contains a number of organs belonging, for instance, to the digestive tract and urinary system.
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