  • Mina West
  • Mina West was born on September 1,1897 to Lucy and Abraham West. She is the young sister of Mathew West and was the wife of Peter Carson before he died in World War 2. She is also the stepmother of Dolores Carson, who took care of her after the death of her father. Mina's father was a medical doctor who was attacked by a woman who was transformed into a vampire and she drank every last drop out of Mr. West. Afterwards, that same vampire tracked Mina, her mother and brother, then killed her mother before her eyes. She took them both under her wing and when Mina was 20, she was bitten by that same vampire, however now a vampire, Mina managed to kill her. She also turned her brother and then by 1916, Mina married Peter Carson. After the death of her husband, she and Dolores moved to America w
  • Mina West was born on September 1,1897 to Lucy and Abraham West. She is the young sister of Mathew West and was the wife of Peter Carson before he died in World War 2. She is also the stepmother of Dolores Carson, who took care of her after the death of her father. Mina's father was a medical doctor who was attacked by a woman who was transformed into a vampire and she drank every last drop out of Mr. West. Afterwards, that same vampire tracked Mina, her mother and brother, then killed her mother before her eyes. She took them both under her wing and when Mina was 20, she was bitten by that same vampire, however now a vampire, Mina managed to kill her. She also turned her brother and then by 1916, Mina married Peter Carson. After the death of her husband, she and Dolores moved to America where by her stepdaughter's 24th birthday, she turned her into a vampire. They slept throughout the remainder of the 20th century and weren't disturbed until the 21st century.