  • Materialized Guardian
  • User can create/summon a guardian that may be a physical or purely spiritual being, with appearances varying greatly from humanoid (with various weaponry and skills) to animal or even mythical beings. The guardian will act to protect the user at all costs, and fights on their behalf. The guardian's strength may be driven by the user's force of will or physical movements, or by its own independent will.
Row 1 info
  • Materialize a guardian.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Materialized Guardian
  • Stands are defined as personifications of "life energy" whose abilities are given visual form.
  • 380
  • darkblue
  • User can create/summon a guardian that may be a physical or purely spiritual being, with appearances varying greatly from humanoid (with various weaponry and skills) to animal or even mythical beings. The guardian will act to protect the user at all costs, and fights on their behalf. The guardian's strength may be driven by the user's force of will or physical movements, or by its own independent will. User may be able to summon portions as opposed to the entire entity, such as an arm alone, in order to reduce the energy consumption and space occupation. The guardian may either appear next to the user, allowing the user to stand on top, or surround the user as a form of armor, which can also be used to protect others.