  • Bartoc
  • Bartoc was one of two sons of Nehemiah. When Bartoc wanted to be a member of Dageth's gang, Dageth ordered him to kill Hercules as an initiation. During the fight, Hercules accidentally killed Bartoc instead. Hercules took Bartoc's body back to his father and brother, Jaris. Later, Jaris would name his son Bartoc II in honour of his brother.
  • Bartoc was one of two sons of Nehemiah. When Bartoc wanted to be a member of Dageth's gang, Dageth ordered him to kill Hercules as an initiation. During the fight, Hercules accidentally killed Bartoc instead. Hercules took Bartoc's body back to his father and brother, Jaris. Later, Jaris would name his son Bartoc II in honour of his brother.