  • George Enos
  • George Enos (1885-1917) was a fisherman from Boston, Massachusetts, on the F/V Ripple when the Great War began. He continued to fish until the Ripple was captured by a Confederate commerce raider, the CSS Swamp Fox, and was interned in North Carolina until exchanged. Enos joined the U.S. Navy shortly afterward to avoid conscription in the Army and to fight the Confederacy. He served on a Q-boat which sank a Confederate submersible, and in 1916 was transferred to the USS Punishment, a river monitor which fought on the Mississippi and Cumberland Rivers, until it was destroyed. (Enos had been ashore visiting a 'house of ill repute' when his ship was attacked and sunk.) He was then transferred to the destroyer USS Ericsson, which was sunk illegally after the U.S.-C.S. armistice of 1917 by the
type of appearance
  • Direct POV
  • Breakthroughs
  • American Front;
  • Walk in Hell;
  • George Enos
Cause of Death
  • Drowned
  • Fisherman, Navy Sailor
  • 1917
  • 1885
  • George Enos (1885-1917) was a fisherman from Boston, Massachusetts, on the F/V Ripple when the Great War began. He continued to fish until the Ripple was captured by a Confederate commerce raider, the CSS Swamp Fox, and was interned in North Carolina until exchanged. Enos joined the U.S. Navy shortly afterward to avoid conscription in the Army and to fight the Confederacy. He served on a Q-boat which sank a Confederate submersible, and in 1916 was transferred to the USS Punishment, a river monitor which fought on the Mississippi and Cumberland Rivers, until it was destroyed. (Enos had been ashore visiting a 'house of ill repute' when his ship was attacked and sunk.) He was then transferred to the destroyer USS Ericsson, which was sunk illegally after the U.S.-C.S. armistice of 1917 by the CSS Bonefish, captained by Confederate Roger Kimball. Enos, who had just gone to bed, drowned. Enos' widow Sylvia later avenged his death by shooting Kimball to death.
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