  • Megastrength
  • When Commander William T. Riker requested that Data bend a bar of parsteel, during a hearing to determine if Data was the property of Starfleet, Captain Jean-Luc Picard made an objection to the demonstration, stating that "there are many lifeforms that possessed with megastrength," adding that "these issues are not relevant to this hearing." Unfortunately, for his case, his objections were overruled by JAG Phillipa Louvois. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" ) Rather than "megastrength", as referenced here, the term "meta-Human strength" was described in the script.
  • When Commander William T. Riker requested that Data bend a bar of parsteel, during a hearing to determine if Data was the property of Starfleet, Captain Jean-Luc Picard made an objection to the demonstration, stating that "there are many lifeforms that possessed with megastrength," adding that "these issues are not relevant to this hearing." Unfortunately, for his case, his objections were overruled by JAG Phillipa Louvois. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" ) Rather than "megastrength", as referenced here, the term "meta-Human strength" was described in the script.