  • 53
  • 53
  • 53
  • 53
  • 53
  • 53
  • 53
  • El cincuenta y tres (53) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y dos y precede al cincuenta y cuatro. Categoría:Números
  • 18 września - Trajan, cesarz rzymski (zm. 117)
  • 53 (fifty-three) is a positive integer following 52 and preceding 54. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-third" or 53rd.
  • Fourth episode of the 50s column.
  • Number 53 was an item on the list
  • 53 - (linia autobusowa zwykła) - kursuje z Pomorzan do Stoczni Szczecińskiej
  • Diana ist enttäuscht, dass Julian seinen Versuch, sie zum Bleiben zu überreden einzig mit geschäftlichen Interessen begründet. Sie bricht zu den Vertragsverhandlungen auf und hofft, so Julian zu einem Liebesgeständnis zu provozieren. Julian versucht sie aufzuhalten, aber Jenny kommt ihm in die Quere. Dem Steinkamp-Imperium steht das Wasser bis zum Hals und Simone und Richard müssen entscheiden, ob sie bei einem erneuten Kredit einer Hypothek auf ihre Privat-Villa zustimmen würden. Axel zeigt Simone dabei eine völlig neue Lösung auf und bringt Richard so in eine Zwickmühle... Nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen ist Jutta bereit, Dieter wieder zu Hause aufzunehmen. Von Simone wird sie bedrängt, Diana am Weggang nach Frankfurt zu hindern. Doch Jutta stellt sich auf die Seite ihrer Tochter.
  • BŁONIE Szubińska - Żwirki i Wigury Szubińska - Gnieźnieńska Szubińska - Piękna Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Kujawskie Wojska Polskiego - Chorwacka Wojska Polskiego - Ujejskiego Wojska Polskiego - Kładka Magnuszewska - Modrakowa Glinki - Dąbrowa Glinki - Zajęcza Glinki - Szpitalna Glinki - Polon Glinki - Eltra GLINKI
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "53" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Pasqual Coco (2000) * Dennis Lamp (1984-1986) * Sandy Martinez (1995-1996) * Michael Nakamura (2004) * Scott Service (2003) * Steve Sinclair (1998) * Mike Smith (2002) * Dave Weathers (1991-1992)
  • #53 is the fifty-third figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Le nombre 53 tient son nom du fait qu'il est approximativement situé entre le nombre 52 et le nombre 54. Le 53 est un nombre capital: sans lui ni le 55, ni le 56 n'auraient été possibles.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 53.
  • Ask That Guy Episode 53 (July 15, 2010) That Guy: Shorah! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to my brand-new location [briefly shows it off] for "Ask That Guy with the Glasses." Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear as a caption card unless noted): Why did you leave me to die in that explosion? That Guy (has only the pipe in his hand; his drink is on the table): That's a very good question, and the answer is: "We hurt the ones we love". Thankfully, I don't love you at all. / [jump cut] But I will hurt you anyway. / Cuz I'm just that kind of guy. [no jump cut yet] THE END
  • David interrogates Victoria about the events of the previous night. He asks if ghosts were chasing them and why she and Carolyn were screaming. Victoria tells him to look in his crystal ball; he already has and the answer would make her scream even louder. Then David tells her that someone in Collinsport wants to kill her, and when she's dead, he won't go to her funeral. David tells Victoria that his mother warned him about the spooky happenings at Collinwood. He suspects Roger stole his only picture of Laura. David accuses his father of lying, wanting to send him away, and wanting to beat him.
  • 52
  • 280.850000
Folgen Nummer
  • 53
  • 53
  • Ds53a12.JPEG
  • 1.300000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 16112006
  • 54
  • 1966-08-24
  • 53
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Military
  • 2
  • 53.0
  • Episode 53
  • Galactic Empire
  • 1966-09-07
Character Name
  • List Number 53
  • 2
  • 52
  • 52.0
  • 53
  • 54
  • 54.0
  • Bawz_20061116_0053_awz_b_216x136.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Put gum under almost every table I've ever sat at
  • green
  • 53
  • 53
  • El cincuenta y tres (53) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y dos y precede al cincuenta y cuatro. Categoría:Números
  • 18 września - Trajan, cesarz rzymski (zm. 117)
  • 53 (fifty-three) is a positive integer following 52 and preceding 54. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-third" or 53rd.
  • Fourth episode of the 50s column.
  • Number 53 was an item on the list
  • David interrogates Victoria about the events of the previous night. He asks if ghosts were chasing them and why she and Carolyn were screaming. Victoria tells him to look in his crystal ball; he already has and the answer would make her scream even louder. Then David tells her that someone in Collinsport wants to kill her, and when she's dead, he won't go to her funeral. David tells Victoria that his mother warned him about the spooky happenings at Collinwood. He suspects Roger stole his only picture of Laura. David accuses his father of lying, wanting to send him away, and wanting to beat him. Elizabeth denies any activity the night before when David asks. David reports that Roger left very, very early in the morning. Elizabeth takes a walk to Matthew's cottage. David vows to kill anyone who would hurt Elizabeth. Joe comes to Collinwood looking for Elizabeth, and asks about David's crystal ball. David again reasserts that he will never marry Carolyn. Victoria and Joe discuss the missing Malloy and the body and the watch. David eavesdrops and receives a scolding from Elizabeth. Victoria goes up for David's lesson. Joe last saw Bill on the day before yesterday (46), or so he tells Elizabeth. It's not like Malloy at all to be gone so long. Elizabeth calls Sheriff George Patterson after Joe leaves with her concern about Bill Malloy. David attempts to skirt his transportation lesson by asking about the body (although he actually gets a bit of his lesson in). Elizabeth tells the sheriff she’s not really worried; Joe brings back Carolyn's watch. Elizabeth phones the office to ask about Roger and to order a cover story on Malloy. David's still fixated on dead men, not transportation. He again asserts that the body was Malloy. Matthew's worried about Carolyn's hanging out at Widows' Hill (and speculates that Josette may have been lured to Widows' Hill by unnatural forces!). Matthew and Roger took a walk together on the beach this morning. David thinks Roger wasted Malloy. Matthew used to work for her father on the boats before coming to work for Elizabeth. Elizabeth orders Matthew to tell her the truth. He admits there was a body and that it was Bill Malloy, which he pushed back into the water.
  • 53 - (linia autobusowa zwykła) - kursuje z Pomorzan do Stoczni Szczecińskiej
  • Diana ist enttäuscht, dass Julian seinen Versuch, sie zum Bleiben zu überreden einzig mit geschäftlichen Interessen begründet. Sie bricht zu den Vertragsverhandlungen auf und hofft, so Julian zu einem Liebesgeständnis zu provozieren. Julian versucht sie aufzuhalten, aber Jenny kommt ihm in die Quere. Dem Steinkamp-Imperium steht das Wasser bis zum Hals und Simone und Richard müssen entscheiden, ob sie bei einem erneuten Kredit einer Hypothek auf ihre Privat-Villa zustimmen würden. Axel zeigt Simone dabei eine völlig neue Lösung auf und bringt Richard so in eine Zwickmühle... Nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen ist Jutta bereit, Dieter wieder zu Hause aufzunehmen. Von Simone wird sie bedrängt, Diana am Weggang nach Frankfurt zu hindern. Doch Jutta stellt sich auf die Seite ihrer Tochter.
  • BŁONIE Szubińska - Żwirki i Wigury Szubińska - Gnieźnieńska Szubińska - Piękna Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Kujawskie Wojska Polskiego - Chorwacka Wojska Polskiego - Ujejskiego Wojska Polskiego - Kładka Magnuszewska - Modrakowa Glinki - Dąbrowa Glinki - Zajęcza Glinki - Szpitalna Glinki - Polon Glinki - Eltra GLINKI
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "53" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Pasqual Coco (2000) * Dennis Lamp (1984-1986) * Sandy Martinez (1995-1996) * Michael Nakamura (2004) * Scott Service (2003) * Steve Sinclair (1998) * Mike Smith (2002) * Dave Weathers (1991-1992)
  • #53 is the fifty-third figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Ask That Guy Episode 53 (July 15, 2010) That Guy: Shorah! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to my brand-new location [briefly shows it off] for "Ask That Guy with the Glasses." Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear as a caption card unless noted): Why did you leave me to die in that explosion? That Guy (has only the pipe in his hand; his drink is on the table): That's a very good question, and the answer is: "We hurt the ones we love". Thankfully, I don't love you at all. / [jump cut] But I will hurt you anyway. / Cuz I'm just that kind of guy. [no jump cut yet] Narrator (no caption card): You're very considerate. That Guy: Yes. Narrator: What IS Victoria's secret? That Guy: Well, I thought that was obvious. / To have beautiful women model their underwear... / that other women not nearly as attractive can think they look good in it. / And men, too. / [whispers] I'm wearing a thong. / [again] An edible thong. / [raises his eyebrows with a happy face] Narrator: If you woke up one morning and found yourself naked in the middle of an African village where the customary greeting is shaking penises and all females braid their pubes, what would you do? That Guy: Buy a summer home!! [starts dancing to the chorus of The Tokens' "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - the "ah-wee-ma-weh" vocal part; for the DVD release, the copyrighted sample was replaced with Doug multi-tracked, singing that vocal part] Narrator: Is it true that the Devil is female? That Guy: [chuckles] Oh, my, yes. / She also wears a blue dress, / goes dancing in the pale moonlight, / is a DEVIL in the sack, / and hell hath no fury like her scorned. / [looks up] But I just call her "Vanessa"... Vanessa Vaginakill. / [back at the camera] But that's her married name. / Her MAIDEN name is Peniseater. / Don't ask how I know that. [has a worried expression, briefly looks down before looking back up] Narrator: My girlfriend is into erotic stories, and she sometimes hints she wants to re-enact some of her favorites with me. However, I broke into her erotic stories file and found that they all ended in the castration of the male involved. Should I be concerned? That Guy: [raspberry] Of course not! [brief laugh] You shouldn't concern yourself with that at all. It's quite common. Narrator (full question appears; as you can see, he's cut off): If gay people come out of the clo- That Guy (interrupting): Oh, wait a minute. I mean, RUN, BASTARD, RUN!! GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!!!! Narrator: If gay people come out of the closet, then what do lesbians come out of? That Guy: The pie factory. / Because it's a well-known fact that lesbians love pies. / In fact, I often catch lesbians by setting a pie out in the woods... / ...and putting a cardboard box with a stick on top of it. / Because, as we all know, the only thing lesbians can't resist more than pie is cardboard. / In fact, I've caught many lesbians that way. [looks down under the bar] Isn't that right, ladies? [we hear high-pitched screams of "HEEEELP!" from the "captives"; he then kicks "them"] They're so adorable. / And MINE. [one "lesbian" agonizingly says, "Save me!"; while still looking at the camera, he turns the pipe around in his right hand and knocks 'her' out] Narrator: Who is your daddy and what does he do? That Guy: My daddy's my father, and he does my mother. / [leans in] With onions. / [looks up] Wait. No, he's an anti-Onionite. / [leans in] With porcupines. / [gets a small orgasm thinking about it, apparently] Narrator: Pardon me, sir, but would you have any Grey Poupon? That Guy: [switches quickly from a happy to a serious face] You have made a powerful enemy today, son. [stares then puts his pipe in his mouth] Narrator: Can you help me open my eyes? You see, I'm Asian and hate my eyes being shut. That Guy: [comes in from the left of the screen, quick-clapping his hands and chuckling, picking up his pipe] I'm sorry. I had to shove Grey Poupon up some guy's ass. It came out his ears. What's the question? Narrator: Can you help me open my eyes? You see, I'm Asian and hate my eyes being shut. That Guy: Well, have you ever seen the movie About Schmidt? / You know the scene where Kathy Bates takes off her clothers and goes into the hot tub naked? / THAT'LL open your eyes up for ya. / The only problem is that you'll close them just as fast, and they'll probably stay shut forever. / My advice to you would be, "Become white." / We all got big eyes. It's practically crazy! / Crazy because we can see things and YOU can't. / God, it sucks to be Asian. I'm going to pray for you... / that I'm quietly gonna laugh at you in the corner while I touch myself. [smiles for a few seconds, then walks off-screen to his right to do what he said he'd do] Narrator: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order? That Guy: [comes in from the left of the screen, quick-clapping his hands and chuckling with pipe in hand this time] I'm sorry. I was quietly laughing at you in the corner while touching myself. Yes? Narrator: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order? That Guy: Yes. You can get me a better movie instead of SHIT!! / [this time, he holds the drink in his left hand] This is That Guy with the Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." [winks, takes a drink from his glass, faces the camera, and then crouches back down behind the bar] THE END
  • Le nombre 53 tient son nom du fait qu'il est approximativement situé entre le nombre 52 et le nombre 54. Le 53 est un nombre capital: sans lui ni le 55, ni le 56 n'auraient été possibles.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 53.
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