  • Noloh Gunga Fuel Station
  • Noloh Gunga Fuel Station was a meeting place for independent trawlers in The Three Jetties District of Bartyn's Landing, a town in Lamaredd. It was physically between two of the three jetties. It was also the site of Noloh Gunga Bongoform, a local factory not belonging to the Bartyn family. The station was active in 29 BBY.
  • Noloh Gunga Fuel Station was a meeting place for independent trawlers in The Three Jetties District of Bartyn's Landing, a town in Lamaredd. It was physically between two of the three jetties. It was also the site of Noloh Gunga Bongoform, a local factory not belonging to the Bartyn family. The station was active in 29 BBY.