  • Kilopar
  • A kilopar was a Dreman unit of measure of distance, equaling approximately five and a half to six feet. (SCE eBook: Progress) In the story, Sarjenka notes a blast hole appears two kilopars wide, then later notes that "two of her could span the chasm." This suggests a kilopar is the approximate height of an adult Dreman; it is assumed their heights are on par with humans'.
  • A kilopar was a Dreman unit of measure of distance, equaling approximately five and a half to six feet. (SCE eBook: Progress) In the story, Sarjenka notes a blast hole appears two kilopars wide, then later notes that "two of her could span the chasm." This suggests a kilopar is the approximate height of an adult Dreman; it is assumed their heights are on par with humans'.