  • Ebonsoul level 80 collection
  • The Ebonsoul level 80 collection is a collection of uncommon items received by Scroll of Resurrection level 80 [[File:IconSmall .gif||link=]] Death Knights. They are also sold by vendors in Kelp'thar Forest and Mount Hyjal.
  • The Ebonsoul level 80 collection is a collection of uncommon items received by Scroll of Resurrection level 80 [[File:IconSmall .gif||link=]] Death Knights. They are also sold by vendors in Kelp'thar Forest and Mount Hyjal. * [Ebonsoul Amulet] (Neck) * [Ebonsoul Armguards] (Wrist) * [Ebonsoul Band of Might] (Finger) * [Ebonsoul Band of Stoicism] (Finger) * [Ebonsoul Blade] (One-Hand) * [Ebonsoul Breastplate] (Chest) * [Ebonsoul Chestguard] (Chest) * [Ebonsoul Cloak of Battle] (Back) * [Ebonsoul Cloak of Stoicism] (Back) * [Ebonsoul Defender's Idol] (Trinket) * [Ebonsoul Defender's Stone] (Trinket) * [Ebonsoul Faceguard] (Head) * [Ebonsoul Gauntlets] (Hands) * [Ebonsoul Girdle] (Waist) * [Ebonsoul Greaves] (Feet) * [Ebonsoul Hammer] (Two-Hand) * [Ebonsoul Handguards] (Hands) * [Ebonsoul Helm] (Head) * [Ebonsoul Idol of Battle] (Trinket) * [Ebonsoul Legguards] (Legs) * [Ebonsoul Legplates] (Legs) * [Ebonsoul Maul] (Two-Hand) * [Ebonsoul Pauldrons] (Shoulder) * [Ebonsoul Pendant] (Neck) * [Ebonsoul Ring of Might] (Finger) * [Ebonsoul Ring of Stoicism] (Finger) * [Ebonsoul Sabatons] (Feet) * [Ebonsoul Shoulderguards] (Shoulder) * [Ebonsoul Stone of Battle] (Trinket) * [Ebonsoul Vambraces] (Wrist) * [Ebonsoul Waistband] (Waist) Made Poor when sigils were removed from use: * [Ebonsoul Sigil of Battle] (Junk) * [Ebonsoul Sigil of Stoicism] (Junk)