  • Typhoon Town
  • Typhoon Town (Kneypish: Teih-Pun Lo) is the second-largest, and second most-populous city of Kneypenn, sat upon the Cape Cove, and the Windy Cape. The Cape itself is mostly populated by fish, and fruit markets, baazars, docks, and beaches. Deeper into the city, on the Cove, and upwards of the Cape, the city is dotted by buildings in a Kneypish fashion. Statues of bears, old men, small trees, and bowing cats dot the sides of these roads. Good luck symbols like tiger tails, threeeyes, octagons, hexagons, triangles, honey smears, honey eyes, diamonds, and red soul binds are painted, carved, or stuck on their foreheads, and hands.
  • Typhoon Town (Kneypish: Teih-Pun Lo) is the second-largest, and second most-populous city of Kneypenn, sat upon the Cape Cove, and the Windy Cape. The Cape itself is mostly populated by fish, and fruit markets, baazars, docks, and beaches. Deeper into the city, on the Cove, and upwards of the Cape, the city is dotted by buildings in a Kneypish fashion. Statues of bears, old men, small trees, and bowing cats dot the sides of these roads. Good luck symbols like tiger tails, threeeyes, octagons, hexagons, triangles, honey smears, honey eyes, diamonds, and red soul binds are painted, carved, or stuck on their foreheads, and hands.