  • Royal Manticoran Army
  • The Army's main mission was to fight enemy ground forces, secure and maintain control of planetary surfaces, and maintain the peace against uprisings or unrest when called to do so by the Government. For that mission, the Army was equipped with tanks and other armored vehicles, sting ships, artillery, and power armor. The Army also maintained an Atmospheric Command, which could effectively be thought of as the Royal Manticoran Air Force.
  • The Army's main mission was to fight enemy ground forces, secure and maintain control of planetary surfaces, and maintain the peace against uprisings or unrest when called to do so by the Government. For that mission, the Army was equipped with tanks and other armored vehicles, sting ships, artillery, and power armor. The Army also maintained an Atmospheric Command, which could effectively be thought of as the Royal Manticoran Air Force. As during peacetime the bulk of the military needs of the Star Kingdom were met by the Navy and the Marine Corps, the Army was usually severely downsized, and its activity focused upon improving its capabilities and training for the event of a war. In wartime, however, the Army was greatly expanded to meet the needs of ground troops to hold and secure enemy territory following initial assaults by the Marines. (HH6)
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