  • BanHammer
  • Banhammer
  • Banhammer is a weapon of great power wielded by many of the worlds greatest heroes, such as Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer, Oscar Wilde, Captain Crunk, and many others. It has unfortunately been cycled through those 4 people for many generations, since none of them ever die. Some believe it to be a myth, as soon as the idea pops into their head, they are automatically killed with said banhammer, because of the bad-ass qualities it possesses. It has, by some, been called one of the greatest inventions, next to Whiskey. The banhammer was created in 1337 by Yang, one of the holy crunk twins. It was used by him and his brother to clear the streets of primordial Atlanta of whiteys, noobs and policemen alike. From there, the banhammer was passed on down through the ages, occasionally surfacing to smit
  • 1
  • 55
  • 1
  • Fire Damage 1 to 4 points on Touch
  • 1
  • 50
  • 32
  • 1.500000
  • 1
  • banhammer_unique
  • 2000
  • Banhammer is a weapon of great power wielded by many of the worlds greatest heroes, such as Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer, Oscar Wilde, Captain Crunk, and many others. It has unfortunately been cycled through those 4 people for many generations, since none of them ever die. Some believe it to be a myth, as soon as the idea pops into their head, they are automatically killed with said banhammer, because of the bad-ass qualities it possesses. It has, by some, been called one of the greatest inventions, next to Whiskey. The banhammer was created in 1337 by Yang, one of the holy crunk twins. It was used by him and his brother to clear the streets of primordial Atlanta of whiteys, noobs and policemen alike. From there, the banhammer was passed on down through the ages, occasionally surfacing to smite some gawd-awful noob posting on a helpless forum. This use, in addition to its noob-repulsing powers, landed it a place in the stories of the weapons of legend, right next to the Ark of the Covenant, Excalibur, and the amazingly powerful AK47. The banhammer, not to be confused with the hammer of discipline, was created for the purpose of smiting noobs, however, it has been used for other, more nefarious purposes. Its one-time user, Oscar Wilde, used it to rob from the poor and give to the rich, similar to the Atlantan Hood Robin, a hero from primordial Atlanta. Chuck Norris did in fact use the hammer to smite noobs; however, he later discovered the roundhouse kick and the hammer waited in his closet, quietly gathering dust, until Captain Crunk found the hammer and stole it from the citadel of Chuck Norris, while Norris himself was away attending a wedding. When he got back to his citadel and discovered the hammer missing, he thought about going after Captain Crunk; however, due to the almighty power of his roundhouse kick, he let the good Captain go and bring the hammer back to the Holy Crunk Empire, to vanquish noobs once and for all.