  • El Dorado
  • El Dorado
  • El Dorado
  • El Dorado
  • El Dorado
  • El Dorado es un nivel de dificultad Demon creado por AncientAnubis. Es considerado como uno de los Demons más complicados de Geometry Dash.
  • He is a billionaire who lives in the Sand Kingdom. At some point he invented an armored suit powered by plasma and equipped with a high-powered jet engine; this helps him protect the sand kingdom from the rampaging Assy Nero. He is cool and calculating, though with a somewhat sharp tongue.
  • The El Dorado was a Floating World Class cruise liner.
  • El Dorado is a large golden sarcophagus containing a mummy that carries a dangerous virus from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
  • |-| Original = File:Promo Secret District 02.jpg __TOC__
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Tsukuyomi | Tsukuyomi: Zero | Yomi | Cain | Lu Bu | Karma | Nirvana File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra File:WaterIcon.png Water: Baal | Fox Metal File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Scorpika File:LightIcon.png Light: Bright Blight | Orochimaru | I-400 File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Barojika | Pharaoh | Princess Takiyasha | Bahamut | Inari | Kabushido | Gilles de Rais File:Scroll.png Tower: 24F | 25F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • El Estado Social de El Dorado ó El Dorado fue fundado como micronación el 17 de Diciembre de 2007, abarcando los territorios de los macroestados de Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica y Reino Unido.
  • El Dorado (エルドラド) là một tổ chức xuất hiện trong Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone. Trụ sở chính của họ, Saint Elda , nằm ở một thành phố trong tương lai.
  • File:El Dorado thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • He is usually seen with his Indian partner "Ali Ba Bin Dong".
  • El Dorado is a system in the Prescott chain. It is connected to Home Hive one through a closed warp point. This system was discovered by survey flotilla 62 in ISW-4. This system was critical system during ISW-4 because it allowed free access to Home Hive one. Then Seventh Fleet wiped it clean of life in the First Battle of Home Hive one. It has no inhabited planets.
  • El Dorado is a Hispanic superhero and a member of the Justice League of America. __TOC__
  • El Dorado as a planet was a member of the Coalition Worlds. It was often more tolerant of non-Human species and even Force users like the Jedi than other Coalition Worlds, but El Dorado was still politically loyal to House Prosek. The planet was the native homeworld of Psi-Stalkers and Dog Boys.
  • El Dorado is a mythical city of gold made by the Native South Americans. Featured, among others, in the Dreamworks movie The Road to El Dorado.
  • The second Non-Disney world to be featured in Kingdom Hears III: The Return of the Chasers, And Kingdom Hearts: The Other Side. The world is based upon the cult favorite animated film The Road to El Dorado.
  • El Dorado was a fabled city made of gold located on the planet Earth. In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy compared the legends surrounding the existence of the planet Sanctuary to those about Atlantis and El Dorado. (TOS novel: Sanctuary)
  • El Dorado film américain de Howard Hawks sorti en 1966
  • El Dorado is a flag on the Cobalt Ocean. Image:Flag.png Arr! This article about a flag in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • El Dorado has never revealed his real name or the source of his power, but his knowledge of ancient ruins in Mexico suggests a connection to the Aztec civilization.
  • El Dorado es una tecnología única de los Mayas en Age of Empires II: The Conquerors que puede ser desarrollada en el Castillo en la Edad Imperial. Una vez desarrollada, aumenta los puntos de golpe de los Guerreros Águila en 40.
  • Philanthropic billionaire South American superhero.
  • Required Skill: Expert. Tactics: Yes. Valleys: 1 Note: XVI Century – the Age of Great Discoveries. The setting of the server is based on the conquering of two continents – North and South Americas. You will fight to represent one of the European nations. Special game characters – Indians - were developed specifically for this server. New, unique system of cities was introduced - “Lost cities”, new quests and locations were also added. Launched on December 12th, 2012
  • El Dorado was a fabled City of Gold. In pursuit of the city, Spanish Conquistadores searched for this legendary kingdom throughout South America in 1541. The expedition had devastating results. During one of the adventures of the crew of the Barnacle, Fitzwilliam mistook El Dorado as the City of Gold told by Tumen's grandfather, Mam.
  • El Dorado is a two player multiplayer map appearing in Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.
  • El Dorado is the final of the 5 Japan-only AX machines. This vehicle boasts above average performance in body and boost strength, although its grip capability is just average. Despite this, the vehicle is perfect for players of all kinds.
  • This is a collection of stories by people who have claimed to have seen El Dorado, the Lost City Of Gold. Later on, when the narrator, Jeremiah Stormwash, and his first mate and best friend, Capt. Skull X, have enough clues, they themselves will start the hunt for this great city with the hopes of becoming the greatest, and richest treasure hunters in the world.
  • El Dorado was a great treasure, hidden in a remote Amazon temple. It was found by the Spanish approximately 400 years before the events of Drake's Fortune. They moved it to an uncharted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a ship named the Esperanza, and built a large colony around it. They hid the treasure in an extremely elaborate labyrinth beneath the island. It was later moved into a network of catacombs underneath the island's monastery by the Germans at some point during the early to mid twentieth century.
  • They first appeared at the end of episode 47, watching the interview of Endou Mamoru.
  • El Dorado — уровень выполненный в версии 2.0 игроком AncientAnubis. Считается довольно сложным демоном. Также уровень имеет небольшой сюжет, где нужно преодолевая сложные препятствия добраться до мифической страны Эльдорадо, полной золотом и драгоценностями. За эти качества уровень многими любим.
  • They appeared in the first episode of Chrono Stone. In the Episode 3, their leader, Toudou Heikichi, was saying to Alpha that he was disappointed of his defeat 2-0 against Tenmas, and that he acted weakly with Protocol Omega. As Protocol Omega lost in the Episode 4, they were replaced by Beta and Protocol Omega 2.0 in the Episode 5. Though, only Alpha and three others members, Netan, Jini and Kual were sent to the Eternal Prison; the seven others members, teamed up with Orca, Dorimu, Ward and Beta became Protocol Omega 2.0.
  • El Dorado fue uno de los muchos dioses ewoks; había sido profetizado desde hace tiempo que aparecería ante los ewoks en persona. Cuando C-3PO y sus compañeros llegaron junto con la Alianza para Restaurar la República a Endor en el año 4 DBY, los ewoks confundieron al droide de protocolo con el Dorado.
  • El Estado Social de El Dorado, es una micronación fundada el 17 de Diciembre de 2007 en territorios que pertenecen macronacionalmente a Colombia (principalmente), Chile, Costa Rica y Reino Unido. El interés de El Dorado no es formar un imperialismo sino una comunidad que se divide internamente en ocho estados soberanos, con autonomía federal siempre bajo la dirección del Jefe del Estado Social, nombre del cargo máximo del dirigente de la micronación.
Main Character
  • El Dorado; El Dorado from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 1 7 0001.jpg
  • The Age of Bronze
  • Berowew
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Fires a small elemental laser that rebounds three times.
  • 10
  • Ш, Н, В, КР, КБ
  • 25
  • Cubo, Nave, Bola, UFO, Wave
New Header
  • City
  • El Dorado ; El Dorado from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 240 001.jpg
  • El Dorado
Luck Skill
  • -
  • 250
  • Ascension
  • 500
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
id уровня
  • 11904920
  • 3
  • Cobalt
  • -
  • Gravedad, Tamaño, Velocidad, Duales
  • 4.0
  • 5.0
  • 6.0
  • 8.0
  • 7.0
название саундтрека
  • -ThunderZone v2-
  • Bounce
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Fires a non-elemental flash around the user.
  • Fires a very large, non-elemental blast around the user.
JP Name
  • エルドラド
  • 黄金の怪盗 エルドラド
Mayor ciudad
  • Bacata
  • Bacatá
id саундтрека
  • 638150
  • 14530
  • 14576
Strike shot
  • Sends all enemies flying on contact.
  • イン・サーチ・オブ・エルドラド - 21 Turns
  • ザ・ゴールデン・ルール - 21 Turns
  • AncientAnubis
  • Гравитация, размер, скорость, раздвоение
To Asc
  • 40
  • 3
  • 215.570000
  • 216.830000
  • 5
  • 6
  • 2006
  • Jokers of the Sea
  • Tropical
  • 5
  • 25
  • 1391
  • 1809
  • 1973
  • 2086
  • 2321
  • 2449
  • 2656
  • 2695
  • 2713
  • 2783
  • 2915
  • 2960
  • 3029
  • 3074
  • 3210
  • 3248
  • 3319
  • 3419
  • 3481
  • 3619
  • 3674
  • 3946
  • 3984
  • 3985
  • 4042
  • 4174
  • 4372
  • 4544
  • 4611
  • 4642
  • 4815
  • 4871
  • 4899
  • 4979
  • 5129
  • 5313
  • 5390
  • 5428
  • 5830
  • 5920
  • 5977
  • 6058
  • 6149
  • 6421
  • 6496
  • 6639
  • 6839
  • 6963
  • 7349
  • 7969
  • 7970
  • 8085
  • 8745
  • 9088
  • 9223
  • 9632
  • 9744
  • 9959
  • 10259
  • 11955
  • 25
  • Kingdom Hearts: The Other Side Kingdom Hearts III: The Return of the Chasers
  • Unknown
  • Lenguas nativas son oficiales en su territorio.
  • zero
  • 81
  • 99
  • 108
  • 117
  • 121
  • 126
  • 135
  • 144
  • 148
  • 162
  • 175
  • 189
  • 202
  • 216
  • 243
  • 297
  • 324
  • 351
  • 378
  • 405
  • 432
  • 486
  • 594
  • 648
  • 702
  • 756
  • 810
  • 864
Voiced by
Imagen bandera
  • 140
  • El Dorado
  • 300
  • The Age of Bronze
himno nacional
  • La libertadora
  • Marcha Libertadora
lema nacional
  • Patria y Libertad
PIB real
  • n/d
  • Gs.8760
Miembro de:
  • Miembro de: *CoCeCMi *Organización de las Micronaciones Unidas *Organización de Micronaciones Americanas *Unión de Micronaciones Sudamericanas
PIB simulación
  • -
  • n/d
estimación población Mundo Digital
  • -
cantidad extranjeros
  • -
  • n/d
nombre líder
titulo líder
cantidad ciudadanos
  • -
  • n/d
estimación población
  • n/d
tipo de gobierno
  • Estado federal/Monarquía Híbrida
  • Monarquía Híbrida Popular Federal
estimación población total
  • -
  • n/d
tipo de Estado
  • Estado Híbrido
  • Hibrido
  • -
  • Recovery S / Status Recovery
  • $BRL
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • none
  • Unknown
  • no
  • 25
  • Unknown
  • 2011-09-22
  • 2012-02-24
  • Unknown
  • El Dorado
  • "Trail We Blaze"
  • Waterflame
  • Demihume
  • Nebulan
  • #2B547E
Real Name
  • El Dorado
  • 226
  • 3160
  • El Dorado
  • 10
  • Unknown
  • 2651
  • 2652
  • 2011-09-12
  • 2012-02-09
  • Hero of Sand Kingdom
  • 11904920
  • 14495
  • 19930
  • "It's Tough to be a God", "Save El Dorado"
Imagen escudo
  • 140
  • El Dorado
  • Bacata
  • Bacatá
  • Male
  • 153
  • 162
  • 198
  • 216
  • 234
  • 238
  • 243
  • 252
  • 261
  • 279
  • 307
  • 315
  • 335
  • 337
  • 363
  • 377
  • 391
  • 405
  • 433
  • 489
  • 490
  • 519
  • 634
  • 692
  • 749
  • 778
  • 807
  • 836
  • 893
  • 980
  • 1008
  • 1037
  • 1268
  • 1383
  • 1498
  • 1556
  • 1613
  • 1671
  • 1786
  • 2016
  • 8.500000
  • -
  • Unknown
  • 2
wikipage disambiguates
Ruby Mastery
  • yes
Web oficial
  • Unknown
lenguas oficiales
  • Español y Sogalí
  • Español, Ingles
Nombre del País
  • Estado Social de El Dorado
  • El Dorado es un nivel de dificultad Demon creado por AncientAnubis. Es considerado como uno de los Demons más complicados de Geometry Dash.
  • He is a billionaire who lives in the Sand Kingdom. At some point he invented an armored suit powered by plasma and equipped with a high-powered jet engine; this helps him protect the sand kingdom from the rampaging Assy Nero. He is cool and calculating, though with a somewhat sharp tongue.
  • The El Dorado was a Floating World Class cruise liner.
  • El Dorado is a large golden sarcophagus containing a mummy that carries a dangerous virus from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
  • |-| Original = File:Promo Secret District 02.jpg __TOC__
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Tsukuyomi | Tsukuyomi: Zero | Yomi | Cain | Lu Bu | Karma | Nirvana File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra File:WaterIcon.png Water: Baal | Fox Metal File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Scorpika File:LightIcon.png Light: Bright Blight | Orochimaru | I-400 File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Barojika | Pharaoh | Princess Takiyasha | Bahamut | Inari | Kabushido | Gilles de Rais File:Scroll.png Tower: 24F | 25F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • El Estado Social de El Dorado, es una micronación fundada el 17 de Diciembre de 2007 en territorios que pertenecen macronacionalmente a Colombia (principalmente), Chile, Costa Rica y Reino Unido. El interés de El Dorado no es formar un imperialismo sino una comunidad que se divide internamente en ocho estados soberanos, con autonomía federal siempre bajo la dirección del Jefe del Estado Social, nombre del cargo máximo del dirigente de la micronación. El Dorado tiene sus bases principalmente sobre la cultura Muisca y la gesta libertadora en Nueva Granada y la Gran Colombia. Aunque internamente hay muchas culturas, siendo el lema turístico "El Dorado, el mundo en un sólo lugar".
  • El Estado Social de El Dorado ó El Dorado fue fundado como micronación el 17 de Diciembre de 2007, abarcando los territorios de los macroestados de Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica y Reino Unido.
  • El Dorado (エルドラド) là một tổ chức xuất hiện trong Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone. Trụ sở chính của họ, Saint Elda , nằm ở một thành phố trong tương lai.
  • File:El Dorado thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • He is usually seen with his Indian partner "Ali Ba Bin Dong".
  • El Dorado is a system in the Prescott chain. It is connected to Home Hive one through a closed warp point. This system was discovered by survey flotilla 62 in ISW-4. This system was critical system during ISW-4 because it allowed free access to Home Hive one. Then Seventh Fleet wiped it clean of life in the First Battle of Home Hive one. It has no inhabited planets.
  • El Dorado is a Hispanic superhero and a member of the Justice League of America. __TOC__
  • They appeared in the first episode of Chrono Stone. In the Episode 3, their leader, Toudou Heikichi, was saying to Alpha that he was disappointed of his defeat 2-0 against Tenmas, and that he acted weakly with Protocol Omega. As Protocol Omega lost in the Episode 4, they were replaced by Beta and Protocol Omega 2.0 in the Episode 5. Though, only Alpha and three others members, Netan, Jini and Kual were sent to the Eternal Prison; the seven others members, teamed up with Orca, Dorimu, Ward and Beta became Protocol Omega 2.0. In the Episode 10, Toudou was about to send Einamu and the others to the Eternal Prison, but Beta asked him to give them a last chance. In Episode 17, Toudou Heikichi is seen holding a purple Chrono Stone, in which Endou Mamoru is imprisoned. In Episode 18, Toudou Heikichi and the others commanders were talking about Nanobana Kinako, Raimon's ace striker. Later, Gamma appeared, taking Beta's place as the captain and replaced Dorimu, Gaura, Neira and Zanou with Rujiku, Galling, Dhanna and Bahamusu, to create Protocol Omega 3.0. Later, Toudou and the others are seen watching Zanak Abalonic through the Route Craft's camera and talking to him, then with him as soon as he turns to them. In Episode 21, as Protocol Omega 3.0 was defeated, Zanak sent them away to an unknown, in which one of the members of El Dorado said he treated them like toys. Toudou answered Zanak is someone who doesn't hear insolence. Though, he also said it could be the time to use "him", and finished by saying he was impatient to see what reaction that "him" will have.
  • El Dorado as a planet was a member of the Coalition Worlds. It was often more tolerant of non-Human species and even Force users like the Jedi than other Coalition Worlds, but El Dorado was still politically loyal to House Prosek. The planet was the native homeworld of Psi-Stalkers and Dog Boys.
  • El Dorado is a mythical city of gold made by the Native South Americans. Featured, among others, in the Dreamworks movie The Road to El Dorado.
  • The second Non-Disney world to be featured in Kingdom Hears III: The Return of the Chasers, And Kingdom Hearts: The Other Side. The world is based upon the cult favorite animated film The Road to El Dorado.
  • El Dorado was a fabled city made of gold located on the planet Earth. In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy compared the legends surrounding the existence of the planet Sanctuary to those about Atlantis and El Dorado. (TOS novel: Sanctuary)
  • El Dorado film américain de Howard Hawks sorti en 1966
  • El Dorado is a flag on the Cobalt Ocean. Image:Flag.png Arr! This article about a flag in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • El Dorado fue uno de los muchos dioses ewoks; había sido profetizado desde hace tiempo que aparecería ante los ewoks en persona. Cuando C-3PO y sus compañeros llegaron junto con la Alianza para Restaurar la República a Endor en el año 4 DBY, los ewoks confundieron al droide de protocolo con el Dorado. Los ewoks de la Aldea del Árbol Brillante, bajo el liderazgo de Logray y Jefe Chirpa, casi asan a Han Solo, Chewbacca y a Luke Skywalker para hacer un banquete en honor a C-3PO. Antes de que pudieran encender el fuego, Luke Skywalker usó la telequinesis para levantar al droide en el arie (supuestamente como resultado de un poder divino de El Dorado) para asustar a sus captores. Como resultado los captores liberaron a los Rebeldes. Esa noche más tarde, C-3PO relató la Guerra Civil Galáctica a los ewoks y tradujo las peticiones de sus compañeros para que les ayudasen a luchar contra el Imperio Galáctico. Los ewoks fueron convencidos por la petición de Leia Organa de unirse a la lucha y defender sus árboles. Los Rebeldes fueron aceptados en la tribu ewok, y ganaron la batalla de Endor gracias a la ayuda de los ewoks.
  • El Dorado has never revealed his real name or the source of his power, but his knowledge of ancient ruins in Mexico suggests a connection to the Aztec civilization.
  • El Dorado es una tecnología única de los Mayas en Age of Empires II: The Conquerors que puede ser desarrollada en el Castillo en la Edad Imperial. Una vez desarrollada, aumenta los puntos de golpe de los Guerreros Águila en 40.
  • Philanthropic billionaire South American superhero.
  • Required Skill: Expert. Tactics: Yes. Valleys: 1 Note: XVI Century – the Age of Great Discoveries. The setting of the server is based on the conquering of two continents – North and South Americas. You will fight to represent one of the European nations. Special game characters – Indians - were developed specifically for this server. New, unique system of cities was introduced - “Lost cities”, new quests and locations were also added. Launched on December 12th, 2012
  • El Dorado was a fabled City of Gold. In pursuit of the city, Spanish Conquistadores searched for this legendary kingdom throughout South America in 1541. The expedition had devastating results. During one of the adventures of the crew of the Barnacle, Fitzwilliam mistook El Dorado as the City of Gold told by Tumen's grandfather, Mam.
  • El Dorado is a two player multiplayer map appearing in Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.
  • El Dorado is the final of the 5 Japan-only AX machines. This vehicle boasts above average performance in body and boost strength, although its grip capability is just average. Despite this, the vehicle is perfect for players of all kinds.
  • This is a collection of stories by people who have claimed to have seen El Dorado, the Lost City Of Gold. Later on, when the narrator, Jeremiah Stormwash, and his first mate and best friend, Capt. Skull X, have enough clues, they themselves will start the hunt for this great city with the hopes of becoming the greatest, and richest treasure hunters in the world.
  • El Dorado was a great treasure, hidden in a remote Amazon temple. It was found by the Spanish approximately 400 years before the events of Drake's Fortune. They moved it to an uncharted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a ship named the Esperanza, and built a large colony around it. They hid the treasure in an extremely elaborate labyrinth beneath the island. It was later moved into a network of catacombs underneath the island's monastery by the Germans at some point during the early to mid twentieth century.
  • They first appeared at the end of episode 47, watching the interview of Endou Mamoru.
  • El Dorado — уровень выполненный в версии 2.0 игроком AncientAnubis. Считается довольно сложным демоном. Также уровень имеет небольшой сюжет, где нужно преодолевая сложные препятствия добраться до мифической страны Эльдорадо, полной золотом и драгоценностями. За эти качества уровень многими любим.
is Monster of
is Heroes of
is Loot of
is sede país of
is World of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Países of