  • Atomic City
  • Atomic City is an outpost and trading settlement directly west of Idaho Falls. It pays tribute to the Snake Crown, but beyond that is completely independent. Atomic City is renowned for pedaling sin and indulgence, and is also called "The Sodom on the Snake."
  • Atomic City was a city on the planet Krypton. Located to the northeast of Kryptonopolis and to the east of Mount Mundru. (Reference Book: Superman: The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel)
  • Atomic City is an outpost and trading settlement directly west of Idaho Falls. It pays tribute to the Snake Crown, but beyond that is completely independent. Atomic City is renowned for pedaling sin and indulgence, and is also called "The Sodom on the Snake."
  • Atomic City was a city on the planet Krypton. Located to the northeast of Kryptonopolis and to the east of Mount Mundru. (Reference Book: Superman: The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel)