  • Aztlan Sourcebook
  • Released: 1995 Authors: Nigel D. Findley ISBN: 1-55560-257-6 Price: $18.00 Pages: 184 + 8 color + fold-out color map Status/Availability: in print/uncommon Sections: Introduction, Inside The Big A, The Civil War, History, Aztechnology, Religion An Magic, Fast Facts, Getting In, Living In Aztlan, Tenochtitlán, Game Information, Index
  • Released: 1995 Authors: Nigel D. Findley ISBN: 1-55560-257-6 Price: $18.00 Pages: 184 + 8 color + fold-out color map Status/Availability: in print/uncommon Sections: Introduction, Inside The Big A, The Civil War, History, Aztechnology, Religion An Magic, Fast Facts, Getting In, Living In Aztlan, Tenochtitlán, Game Information, Index Overview: By the mid-2050s, Aztlan is all of Central America—from present-day Mexico to parts of Colombia and Venezuela, and everything in between. Nominally it's an independent country, but everyone knows the megacorp Aztechnology is actually in control. This sourcebook, in my opinion the best location sourcebook published by FASA, has information about Aztlan and Aztechnology in the usual Shadowrun style, and there's enough of it here to either run one-off adventures into Aztlan, or even to run a campaign set entirely in Aztlan if you want to. All through the book there are hints that Aztechnology is up to something BIG and very nasty, especially in the comments made by assorted other powerful inhabitants of the Sixth World, in addition to the more mundane information shadowrunners need to survive in Aztlan. The last chapter of the book has game rules for Aztlan-style magic (which you don't want to get involved with, trust me), NPC stats, and some new equipment and vehicles (although these use Rigger Black Book stats, Rigger 2 has updates for most of them). As with all location sourcebooks, it won't be of much use if you don't plan on going there, except as general background, but for those wanting to run in Aztlan this book is indispensable. Similar Products: California Free State, Denver — The City of Shadows, Native America Nations: Volume One, Native America Nations: Volume Two, Target: Smuggler Havens, Target: UCAS, The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America, Tir Tairngire Survey Rating: 7.3 (32 votes)
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