  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Lucien is the dictator that took power after he overthrew Queen Sister and forces
  • Lucien is a minor character in the Wild Cards series of books.
  • Tehtävät, joissa Lucien on: thumb * While Guthix Sleeps * Temple of Ikov
  • In his search for the artefacts and other objects that might harness enough power for Lucien to rise above the others of his kin, he attempted to claim the Shield of Arrav, and successfully acquired both the Staff of Armadyl and the Stone of Jas. After gaining both of these artefacts, during the eighteenth Ritual of Rejuvenation Lucien attempted to act as the Mahjarrat's leader and made the decision of whom to sacrifice alone, constantly declaring himself to be a god. However, he was eventually killed by a trio of dragonkin who deemed him a 'False User' after his misuse of the Stone of Jas.
  • Lucien was an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues. He was written by Fractal Dawn. He resided in Response Centre #28561. (Note: "Center" has painter's tape over it, and "Centre" is written in careful block print over it.) He retired in September 2011.
  • Speaking with Lucien starts the Temple of Ikov quest, and he gives you the pendant of lucien needed in the quest. During the quest, the player is tasked with stealing the Staff of Armadyl from the Temple of Ikov. However, the player is later given the choice to side with the guardians of Armadyl or with Lucien. Lucien must be defeated at the end of the Temple of Ikov quest if you sided with Armadyl.
  • Lucien is a mysterious Mahjarrat involved in the Temple of Ikov quest. He wants the player to help him obtain the Staff of Armadyl for unknown reasons, and provides the Pendant of Lucien. Lucien can be found in the Flying Horse Inn in East Ardougne, and the forest south-east of Edgeville and north-west of Varrock.
  • Lucien is a CP9 agent who is often teamed with Victor Ignacio on missions.
  • Lucien is the fourth planet in the Lacaille 8760 system. It has a satellite of some sort known as Avril. Titleman station is located in a L-1 orbit between these celestial bodies.
  • Lucien is a British pop singer. He is at work with his debut single (I Wanna Be) Rasputin. His new album, 'New 80s Musik' features such songs as I Want Heather Mills and I Wish Madonna (Was My GrandMa). At the moment, until the lingering release of the album, Lucien is touring, doing various concerts across the United Kingdom. He is also practicing his song writing and attempting to improve his voice, piano and guitar playing.
  • Lucien was a member of the fictional race called the Mahjarrat from the MMORPG Runescape and was amongst the most powerful of his kin. He was the antagonist for the Temple of Ikov, While Guthix Sleeps and the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quests that can played by the player.
  • Lucien was an extremely powerful Mahjarrat and necromancer. He arrived in Gielinor in the Second Age with the rest of his kin from their homeland of perpetual warfare, Freneskae, in order to serve the armies of Icthlarin, Zaros, and Zamorak, in that order. Although Lucien was initially regarded as rather weak, he slowly but surely began to gain power. He planned to use various Elder Artefacts to ascend to godhood, following in Zamorak's footsteps by becoming the new god of chaos.
  • left|Lucien's chathoofdLucien is een extreem krachtige Mahjarrat en necromancer. Hij is de neef van de een andere Mahjarrat, Zemouregal. Hij arriveerde aan het einde van de First Age in Gielinor met de rest van zijn soort, vanuit een wereld genaamd Freneskae, voorafgaand aan de aanvang van de historische God Wars. Na de verbanning van Zamorak, was Lucien's kracht schijnbaar afgenomen, maar hij heeft langzaam maar zeker zijn kracht terug gekregen. Nu heeft hij al zijn vroegere krachten geregenereerd, en het blijkt al snel dat hij het gezag van Zamorak dreigt te positioneren, door zich de onbetwiste Heer van de Mahjarrat te noemen. Sinds hij over de Staff of Armadyl waren zijn krachten exponentieel gestegen en met de Stone of Jas in handen zou hij waarschijnlijk nog krachtiger zijn dan eerde
  • thumb|Lucien (2269) Lucien ist ein Megasier. Nach den Hexenprozessen von Salem 1691 muss Lucien mit den anderen Megasiern die Erde verlassen und auf seine Heimatwelt Megas-Tu zurückkehren. 2269 entdeckt die USS Enterprise die Heimatwelt der Megasier im Galaktischen Mittelpunkt und Lucien erscheint auf der Brücke des Schiffs. Dort erkennt er, dass er es mit "primitiven" Menschen zu tun hat und fordert Captain James T. Kirk auf, ihn als Freund zu betrachten. Daraufhin bringt er Kirk, Spock und Leonard McCoy in seine Heimat. Dort stellt er seine Welt in Symbolen dar, die der Verstand der Menschen begreifen kann und erläutert, dass seine Welt von Magie beherrscht wird. Auf Kirks Nachfrage erklärt er ihm, wie seine Welt entstanden ist und wie seine Spezies auf die Erde gelangte und dort den Men
  • In seguito ai processi alle streghe di Salem nel 1691, i Megani – tra cui Lucien – furono obbligati a lasciare la Terra ed a ritornare sul proprio pianeta d'origine Megas-Tu. Nel 2269, la USS Enterprise scoprì questo mondo, e Lucien fu il primo a dare loro il benvenuto. Le fece, tuttavia, alla condizione (e con l'espediente) che gli altri Megani non venissero a conoscenza della presenza umana su Megas-Tu.
  • Lucien was a Megan traveler who visited Earth "millennia ago" in search of companionship. Following the Salem witch trials of 1691, the Megans – including Lucien – were forced to leave Earth and return to their homeworld, Megas-Tu. In 2269, the USS Enterprise discovered their homeworld, and Lucien was the first to greet them. He did so, however, under the condition (and the ruse) that the other Megans would not learn of the Humans' presence at Megas-Tu.
  • Lucien, o Senhor das Milhares de Maldições, é um Mahjarrat extremamente poderoso. Ele chegou a Guielinor durante a Segunda Era com o resto da sua família vindos de Freneskae, uma terra de guerra constante, após o começo da histórica Guerra dos Deuses. Após o exílio de Zamorak, Lucien tornou-se bastante fraco, mas lentamente começou a recuperar a sua força. Ele está a regenerar todo o seu poder e em mostrará que está planejando ameçar a autoridade de Zamorak ao posicionar-se como o indiscutível Senhor dos Mahjarrat, provavelmente usando a Pedra de Jas e o Cajado de Armadyl para conseguir controlar as bases da vida de Guilenor.
  • Lucien was altered or evolved into a humanoid form, taller even than Dream, and with pointed ears. It is entirely possible he might have been a mortal once, just as his successor as Dream's Raven, Matthew, was. Lucien serves on Dream's palace staff as the chief librarian, overseeing a collection of every book that has ever been imagined--even if that book was never published or even written.
  • 4
  • Kalemie
Response Center
  • #28561
  • Nee
  • 8
Row 4 info
  • Kettering, United Kingdom
  • 0
  • Comparative magic, sunlight, music
  • 17
  • -1
  • 6
Row 1 info
  • Lucien
  • A Mahjarrat of incomprehensible power.
  • He walks with a slight limp.
  • He walks with a slight limp.
  • *He walks with a slight limp *He walks with a limp
  • 2269
Boarder's Name
max hit
  • 2
  • 3
  • No
  • Nee
  • Lucien
  • 7
Row 4 title
  • Origin
attack speed
  • 6
  • His home-continuum girlfriend
Row 2 info
  • Hun
  • Rent, Lord of the Rings, Bionicle, Doctor Who, others
Row 1 title
  • Artist Name
Always Drops
  • None
  • 11
  • 21
Row 2 title
  • also known as
Attack style
  • Melee
  • No
Home Continuum
  • Various original and RP 'verses
  • --09-14
  • --11-26
  • --06-17
  • left
  • Ja - Temple of Ikov, While Guthix Sleeps
Row 3 info
  • 2004
  • 0
Row 3 title
  • Years Active
  • 0
  • 1
  • No
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
Box Title
  • Lucien
  • 30.0
  • Active
  • N/A
  • Fight for me, minion!.ogg
  • You dare attack a god.ogg
  • Lucien
  • Lucien
  • Skeletal
  • In combat
  • Disfarçado
  • Disguised
  • Mahjarrat
  • Luuranko
  • Naamioitunut
  • Nuorena
  • Rejuvenated
  • Rejuvenescido
  • Taistelussa
  • Galactic Empire
  • center
  • right
  • Magic
  • Lucien summons some minions to aid him.
  • No
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • Swords, knives, magic
  • Rustbelt, Sister Julie
  • Latest RuneScape News
  • Nee
  • Fight for me, minions!
  • You dare attack a god?
  • 12
  • 10
  • Kalemie
Image size
  • 300
  • Citizen of the PPA, deceased
  • Nat
  • Traveler
  • 14
  • 17
  • 2002-06-17
  • 2002-06-17
Image File
  • Lucien.jpg
  • Male
  • Man
  • Lucien
  • Een Mahjarrat die de Staff of Armadyl en de Stone of Jas in handen heeft
  • East Ardougne café, en noord-westen van Varrock.
wikipage disambiguates
  • No
  • No
  • Yes
  • 4
  • 1
  • 5
  • 0
  • Lucien, o Senhor das Milhares de Maldições, é um Mahjarrat extremamente poderoso. Ele chegou a Guielinor durante a Segunda Era com o resto da sua família vindos de Freneskae, uma terra de guerra constante, após o começo da histórica Guerra dos Deuses. Após o exílio de Zamorak, Lucien tornou-se bastante fraco, mas lentamente começou a recuperar a sua força. Ele está a regenerar todo o seu poder e em mostrará que está planejando ameçar a autoridade de Zamorak ao posicionar-se como o indiscutível Senhor dos Mahjarrat, provavelmente usando a Pedra de Jas e o Cajado de Armadyl para conseguir controlar as bases da vida de Guilenor. Lucien é o antagonista de diversas missões extremamente importantes para o desenvolvimento da história de Guilenor, tendo sido caracterizado pela Jagex como "o vilão mais perverso de RuneScape".
  • Lucien was an extremely powerful Mahjarrat and necromancer. He arrived in Gielinor in the Second Age with the rest of his kin from their homeland of perpetual warfare, Freneskae, in order to serve the armies of Icthlarin, Zaros, and Zamorak, in that order. Although Lucien was initially regarded as rather weak, he slowly but surely began to gain power. He planned to use various Elder Artefacts to ascend to godhood, following in Zamorak's footsteps by becoming the new god of chaos. In his search for the artefacts and other objects that might harness enough power for Lucien to rise above the others of his kin, he attempted to claim the Shield of Arrav, and successfully acquired both the Staff of Armadyl and the Stone of Jas. After gaining both of these artefacts, during the eighteenth Ritual of Rejuvenation Lucien attempted to act as the Mahjarrat's leader and made the decision of whom to sacrifice alone, constantly declaring himself to be a god. However, he was eventually killed by a trio of dragonkin who deemed him a 'False User' after his misuse of the Stone of Jas. Lucien and General Khazard can be fought in the Dominion Tower as a X1 boss requiring completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
  • Lucien is the dictator that took power after he overthrew Queen Sister and forces
  • Lucien is a minor character in the Wild Cards series of books.
  • Lucien was altered or evolved into a humanoid form, taller even than Dream, and with pointed ears. It is entirely possible he might have been a mortal once, just as his successor as Dream's Raven, Matthew, was. Lucien serves on Dream's palace staff as the chief librarian, overseeing a collection of every book that has ever been imagined--even if that book was never published or even written. When Dream was captured by the magician Roderick Burgess and his Order of Ancient Mysteries, in the first decades of the 20th century, Lucien was the only member of Dream's staff who did not abandon his post, and tried to maintain the integrity of the Dreaming as much as was possible in its maker's absence. When Dream returned, it was Lucien who alone greeted him at the decayed and crumbling palace with the comment, "Breaks your heart, my Lord, doesn't it?" He caught Dream up on the unraveling of his realm, what had vanished - including the entire library; and who - including the Fashion Thing, who had been missing for a year, and Brute and Glob, who had vanished two decades past. He empathized with Dream over the diminishing of his realm, "It hurts me too, Lord" As a result of Lucien's loyalty and tenacity, Dream increasingly relied on his counsel, and Lucien's responsibilities expanded accordingly. He is Morpheus's most trusted servant. When Morpheus leaves the Dreaming, he sometimes gives Lucien authority to oversee matters while he is gone.
  • left|Lucien's chathoofdLucien is een extreem krachtige Mahjarrat en necromancer. Hij is de neef van de een andere Mahjarrat, Zemouregal. Hij arriveerde aan het einde van de First Age in Gielinor met de rest van zijn soort, vanuit een wereld genaamd Freneskae, voorafgaand aan de aanvang van de historische God Wars. Na de verbanning van Zamorak, was Lucien's kracht schijnbaar afgenomen, maar hij heeft langzaam maar zeker zijn kracht terug gekregen. Nu heeft hij al zijn vroegere krachten geregenereerd, en het blijkt al snel dat hij het gezag van Zamorak dreigt te positioneren, door zich de onbetwiste Heer van de Mahjarrat te noemen. Sinds hij over de Staff of Armadyl waren zijn krachten exponentieel gestegen en met de Stone of Jas in handen zou hij waarschijnlijk nog krachtiger zijn dan eerder. Met deze twee historische objecten in handen, geloven dat hij zo krachtig is geworden dat hij beschouwd kan worden als een God (of tenminste de meest potente Mahjarrat die ooit bestaan heeft, hij overtreft zelfs Zamorak). Het is mogelijk dat Lucien de nieuwe god van chaos kan worden (als hij Zamorak omver werpt), en het leiden de clan van de Mahjarrat in de toekomst, als zijn plan uiteindelijk slaagt. Lucien speelt een prominente rol in de Tempel van Ikov quest. Tijdens de zoektocht, geeft hij spelers de Pendant van Lucien, een teken dat staat voor zijn volgelingen die ervoor zal zorgen om anderen te kalmeren en hun angst te verminderen. Als de speler kiest voor de weg van de Guardians of Armadyl te volgen tijdens de quest, zal de speler hem moeten doden, hoewel hij in staat is om zichzelf te laten herrijzen. Hij speelt ook een cruciale rol in de While Guthix Sleeps. Spelers die Lucien's aanbod weigeren om hem te hulp, zal Lucien verwijzen naar zijn dochter. Hij zal tegen de speler zeggen "dat zijn dochter nog moediger dan de speler is". eerst was het onbekent of lucien een dochter had maar later ondekkte de speler dat hij effectief een dochter had : Moia . Het lijkt erop dat Jagex probeert Lucien stevig vast te stellen als een centrale antagonist voor toekomstige evenementen in RuneScape. Zijn volgende optreden is onbekend, maar de Guardians of Armadyl, die hun staf verloren zijn, hebben nu nog meer een reden om de Mahjarrat voort te zetten totdat zij in staat zijn de artefacten terug te vorderen.
  • Tehtävät, joissa Lucien on: thumb * While Guthix Sleeps * Temple of Ikov
  • In his search for the artefacts and other objects that might harness enough power for Lucien to rise above the others of his kin, he attempted to claim the Shield of Arrav, and successfully acquired both the Staff of Armadyl and the Stone of Jas. After gaining both of these artefacts, during the eighteenth Ritual of Rejuvenation Lucien attempted to act as the Mahjarrat's leader and made the decision of whom to sacrifice alone, constantly declaring himself to be a god. However, he was eventually killed by a trio of dragonkin who deemed him a 'False User' after his misuse of the Stone of Jas.
  • Lucien was an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues. He was written by Fractal Dawn. He resided in Response Centre #28561. (Note: "Center" has painter's tape over it, and "Centre" is written in careful block print over it.) He retired in September 2011.
  • Speaking with Lucien starts the Temple of Ikov quest, and he gives you the pendant of lucien needed in the quest. During the quest, the player is tasked with stealing the Staff of Armadyl from the Temple of Ikov. However, the player is later given the choice to side with the guardians of Armadyl or with Lucien. Lucien must be defeated at the end of the Temple of Ikov quest if you sided with Armadyl.
  • Lucien is a mysterious Mahjarrat involved in the Temple of Ikov quest. He wants the player to help him obtain the Staff of Armadyl for unknown reasons, and provides the Pendant of Lucien. Lucien can be found in the Flying Horse Inn in East Ardougne, and the forest south-east of Edgeville and north-west of Varrock.
  • Lucien is a CP9 agent who is often teamed with Victor Ignacio on missions.
  • thumb|Lucien (2269) Lucien ist ein Megasier. Nach den Hexenprozessen von Salem 1691 muss Lucien mit den anderen Megasiern die Erde verlassen und auf seine Heimatwelt Megas-Tu zurückkehren. 2269 entdeckt die USS Enterprise die Heimatwelt der Megasier im Galaktischen Mittelpunkt und Lucien erscheint auf der Brücke des Schiffs. Dort erkennt er, dass er es mit "primitiven" Menschen zu tun hat und fordert Captain James T. Kirk auf, ihn als Freund zu betrachten. Daraufhin bringt er Kirk, Spock und Leonard McCoy in seine Heimat. Dort stellt er seine Welt in Symbolen dar, die der Verstand der Menschen begreifen kann und erläutert, dass seine Welt von Magie beherrscht wird. Auf Kirks Nachfrage erklärt er ihm, wie seine Welt entstanden ist und wie seine Spezies auf die Erde gelangte und dort den Menschen als Ratgeber zur Seite stand. Jedoch mussten er und die anderen Megasier die Erde verlassen. Bald nachdem er die Crew der Enterprise wieder auf ihr Schiff transferiert hat, erscheint ein weiterer Megasier, der die Menschen und Lucien dafür bestrafen will, dass sie hier eingedrungen sind. Lucien wird mit der Crew der Enterprise an einen Pranger gestellt und angeklagt, weil die Menschen einige Megasier als Hexer verbrannten. Beim Prozess wird er von Spock als Zeuge aufgerufen. Im Zeugenstand sagt er aus, dass er die Menschen nicht fürchtet, weil die Menschen einen wissbegierigen Geist haben. Wegen seines Verrats soll er vom Richter Asmodi in die Vorhölle verbannt werden. Jedoch widerspricht Kirk und setzt die magischen Kräfte, die die Menschen auf Megas-Tu besitzen, gegen Asmodi ein, um Lucien zu verteidigen. Daraufhin offenbart Asmodi, dass es sich nur um einen Test gehandelt hat, um Kirks Motivation zu testen und Kirk hat diesen Test bestanden. Abschließend bedankt sich Lucien mit einem Umtrunk bei Kirk und Spock. (TAS: ) Lucien wurde von James Doohan gesprochen und von Erik Schumann synchronisiert.
  • Lucien was a Megan traveler who visited Earth "millennia ago" in search of companionship. Following the Salem witch trials of 1691, the Megans – including Lucien – were forced to leave Earth and return to their homeworld, Megas-Tu. In 2269, the USS Enterprise discovered their homeworld, and Lucien was the first to greet them. He did so, however, under the condition (and the ruse) that the other Megans would not learn of the Humans' presence at Megas-Tu. Following the discovery of the Human presence, the Enterprise crew was placed on a Salem-type trial by Asmodeus to answer for the crimes of their forefathers. Lucien himself was given a mock trial for welcoming the Humans to their planet. The Humans seemingly won their trial, but the Megans were unconvinced the Enterprise's historical records weren't faked. In order to test the Enterprise crew further, Asmodeus pretended to sentence Lucian to an eternity in limbo. When Kirk came to Lucian's defense, Asmodeus claimed Lucian was known by another name on Earth, Lucifer. Kirk remained willing to sacrifice himself to save Lucien, despite his previous aliases and reputation from his time on Earth. In doing so, Kirk proved to the Megans that Humans had changed over the past six centuries. The Megans informed them that they had passed the Megans' test and welcomed them to their planet with open arms. Back on the Enterprise, the crew wondered amongst themselves if Lucian was really the same being as the demon some men call Lucifer. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
  • Lucien is the fourth planet in the Lacaille 8760 system. It has a satellite of some sort known as Avril. Titleman station is located in a L-1 orbit between these celestial bodies.
  • Lucien is a British pop singer. He is at work with his debut single (I Wanna Be) Rasputin. His new album, 'New 80s Musik' features such songs as I Want Heather Mills and I Wish Madonna (Was My GrandMa). At the moment, until the lingering release of the album, Lucien is touring, doing various concerts across the United Kingdom. He is also practicing his song writing and attempting to improve his voice, piano and guitar playing.
  • Lucien was a member of the fictional race called the Mahjarrat from the MMORPG Runescape and was amongst the most powerful of his kin. He was the antagonist for the Temple of Ikov, While Guthix Sleeps and the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quests that can played by the player.
  • In seguito ai processi alle streghe di Salem nel 1691, i Megani – tra cui Lucien – furono obbligati a lasciare la Terra ed a ritornare sul proprio pianeta d'origine Megas-Tu. Nel 2269, la USS Enterprise scoprì questo mondo, e Lucien fu il primo a dare loro il benvenuto. Le fece, tuttavia, alla condizione (e con l'espediente) che gli altri Megani non venissero a conoscenza della presenza umana su Megas-Tu. In seguito alla scoperta di presenza umana, Lucien e l'equipaggio della Enterprise vennero sottoposti ad un processo di tipo Salem per rispondere dei crimini dei loro progenitori. Lucien venne messo sotto accusa anche per aver dato il benvenuto agli umani sul loro pianeta, con la minaccia di condannarlo a trascorrere l'eternità nel limbo. Kirk era disposto a sacrificare se stesso per salvare Lucien, nonostante i suoi alias e reputazione precedenti, mentre si trovava sulla Terra. Nel fare questo, Kirk provò ai Megani che gli umani erano cambiati negli ultimi sei secoli ed i Megani li informarono che avevano superato il loro test e li accolsero sul loro pianeta a braccia aperte. (TAS: "Le magie dei Megas-Tu")
is Leader of
is NPCs of
is Commander of
is Partner of