  • Johnathan Wolfhunter X
  • Johnathan Wolfhunter X is Johnathan Wolfhunter's X antibody. Johnathan Wolfhunter X is an USA airforce intelligence officer who has helped the Hochstadt Gang on countless occasions. Johnathan Wolfhunter X isn't the best fighter but is an expert intelligence officer. In other words, he recieves infomation from informants and chooses what should be attacked, protected etc. He is completely selfless and loves helping Fisch and the US Airforce Intelligence Corps (USAIC). He lives in the Blizzardville suburb.
  • Johnathan Wolfhunter X is Johnathan Wolfhunter's X antibody. Johnathan Wolfhunter X is an USA airforce intelligence officer who has helped the Hochstadt Gang on countless occasions. Johnathan Wolfhunter X isn't the best fighter but is an expert intelligence officer. In other words, he recieves infomation from informants and chooses what should be attacked, protected etc. He is completely selfless and loves helping Fisch and the US Airforce Intelligence Corps (USAIC). He lives in the Blizzardville suburb.