  • Conservative Bible
  • The Conservative Bible is the product of the Conservative Bible Project. This is uniquely built on two bedrock principles: * online translating using the collaborative wiki software improves the final result if guided by good rules * the rules guiding this translation are to use and be informed by conservative insights and terminology To the best of our knowledge, this project is the first to utilize either of the above principles in translating the Bible. Here lists the 66 books of the Holy Bible to be translated in this project, with the ones having links already being works-in-progress:
  • The Conservative Bible is the product of the Conservative Bible Project. This is uniquely built on two bedrock principles: * online translating using the collaborative wiki software improves the final result if guided by good rules * the rules guiding this translation are to use and be informed by conservative insights and terminology To the best of our knowledge, this project is the first to utilize either of the above principles in translating the Bible. Here lists the 66 books of the Holy Bible to be translated in this project, with the ones having links already being works-in-progress: For easy reference, the word count in the ancient texts is: * Hebrew Masoretic Bible is 474,316 words long * Greek New Testament is 138,167 words long