  • 2007-02-10
  • Jobe goes clothes shopping in Dunwich at Rogers' Boutique, and has her hair done at Cordell's. She makes a deal for testing out her new fake skin. There's an incident at lunch Involving Scott Emerson (Thunderbird, Chaka's boyfriend) that she's fortunately not involved in. She targets on Scott Emerson. During the night she discovers that her new underthings itch unbearably.
  • Jobe goes clothes shopping in Dunwich at Rogers' Boutique, and has her hair done at Cordell's. She makes a deal for testing out her new fake skin. There's an incident at lunch Involving Scott Emerson (Thunderbird, Chaka's boyfriend) that she's fortunately not involved in. She targets on Scott Emerson. During the night she discovers that her new underthings itch unbearably. In Boston She-Beast and her shopping expedition go shopping. Then they decide to relax in the evening going clubbing. They get accosted by three punks, and give them a good drubbing, with Hazard and Misty splitting the take with their driver.