  • The Sewers
  • The Sewers
  • The Sewers run surprisingly under Stormalong dock, but they are held up by wooden poles. K'nuckles remembered but did not tell Flapjack that his father went into the sewer to get something and told a young K'nuckles: " I need to go into the sewer K'nuckleton.If I don't come back the dookie and the rats got me." This episode reveals that K'nuckles formal name is K'nuckleton.
  • The Sewers is the 119th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Tyler Sontag.
  • - located in a complex locked chest by the exit x5
  • The Sewers are a location in God of War: Ascension. It is part of the Prison of the Damned.
  • The Black Dragon used labyrinthine passageways and empty areas in these decadent Sewers to carry drugs and illegal weapons in secret and to hide from the authorities. After defeating an escaped criminal named No Face, Major Jackson Briggs entered the Sewers in search of Kano and the remaining Black Dragon members. Whilst there, he battled his way through various Black Dragon thugs before encountering Tasia, another escaped convict from the Special Forces maxinum security prison and a Black Dragon gang member. Jax fought and defeated Tasia and made his way out of the Sewers. He then tracked down the Black Dragon to their other hideout in China.
  • The Sewers are the underground sewer system underneath an abandoned warehouse once controlled by the Black Dragon criminals as both a temporary base of operations and an escape route. It is the second level of Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. Major Jax Briggs entered the sewers and fought another Black Dragon thug Tasia While the Black Dragon leader Kano and his henchman escape to another different location.
  • Profile XP - 1,900 Food - 9,200 Wood - 9,200 Coins - 75 Send John - John's Shotgun Send Mirabelle - Cultist Knife ======== Stage 1 : Who To Send As you, Darius, Garett, Mirabelle, etc go to the sewer, you will here noises. Mirabelle thinks it's walkers. So Garett says to you who to send. You can send either John or Mirabelle. If you send John: If you send John you will here him say something. After you beat Stage 1, you will see him get is face eaten by a walker. REWARD : John's Shotgun (After you beat Stage 8) If you send Mirabelle: Mirabelle screams for help, the team get's her and kill the walkers.
  • Location: No. of floors: Residents: Purpose of place: Seller of: First appearance: Other appearances: The Sewers of Peach Creek are located under the streets of the town. It is accessible via a manhole cover in the center of the The Cul-de-Sac. Jonny and Plank usually visit this area to search for clams as mentioned in "Who, What, Where, Ed" and seen in "Pin the Tail on the Ed." The Eds' unsuccessful Swamp Ride Scam also took place here. The sewers were once flooded thanks to the kids' plan of flushing their toilets together in "Boom Boom Out Goes the Ed." Clams, sewer alligators, and sewer rats live here as seen in the game Ed, Edd n Eddy - The Mis-Edventures. The sewer makes a quick and easy escape route due to its vast size and maze-like interior, even for people who have never even bee
  • Categoría:Esbozos The Sewers es el nombre que recibe el segundo nivel del juego Mortal Kombat Special Forces. Su ubicación es en Earthrealm, y tal como lo indica su nombre, son Las alcantarillas que forman parte de El Almacén.
  • 119
Main Character
chips available
  • 9
Row 1 info
  • Rats and The Sewer guy
  • PWIW
Row 1 title
  • Residences
  • None
chips required
  • 9
  • 2
Box Title
  • The Sewer
  • 270
Game Title
  • The Sewers
  • 3
Full title
  • Paper Computer Game Part 2
  • Sewer
  • 2.0
  • 322
  • Darktown Icon.png
  • Sewer_2.jpg
  • 450
Main Villain
  • Unknown
  • The Sewers run surprisingly under Stormalong dock, but they are held up by wooden poles. K'nuckles remembered but did not tell Flapjack that his father went into the sewer to get something and told a young K'nuckles: " I need to go into the sewer K'nuckleton.If I don't come back the dookie and the rats got me." This episode reveals that K'nuckles formal name is K'nuckleton.
  • The Sewers is the 119th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Tyler Sontag.
  • - located in a complex locked chest by the exit x5
  • The Sewers are a location in God of War: Ascension. It is part of the Prison of the Damned.
  • The Black Dragon used labyrinthine passageways and empty areas in these decadent Sewers to carry drugs and illegal weapons in secret and to hide from the authorities. After defeating an escaped criminal named No Face, Major Jackson Briggs entered the Sewers in search of Kano and the remaining Black Dragon members. Whilst there, he battled his way through various Black Dragon thugs before encountering Tasia, another escaped convict from the Special Forces maxinum security prison and a Black Dragon gang member. Jax fought and defeated Tasia and made his way out of the Sewers. He then tracked down the Black Dragon to their other hideout in China.
  • Location: No. of floors: Residents: Purpose of place: Seller of: First appearance: Other appearances: The Sewers of Peach Creek are located under the streets of the town. It is accessible via a manhole cover in the center of the The Cul-de-Sac. Jonny and Plank usually visit this area to search for clams as mentioned in "Who, What, Where, Ed" and seen in "Pin the Tail on the Ed." The Eds' unsuccessful Swamp Ride Scam also took place here. The sewers were once flooded thanks to the kids' plan of flushing their toilets together in "Boom Boom Out Goes the Ed." Clams, sewer alligators, and sewer rats live here as seen in the game Ed, Edd n Eddy - The Mis-Edventures. The sewer makes a quick and easy escape route due to its vast size and maze-like interior, even for people who have never even been there before.
  • Categoría:Esbozos The Sewers es el nombre que recibe el segundo nivel del juego Mortal Kombat Special Forces. Su ubicación es en Earthrealm, y tal como lo indica su nombre, son Las alcantarillas que forman parte de El Almacén. Las Alcantarillas están divididas en 3 sectores muy similares entre ellos con poca diferencia en cuanto a su aspecto o sus misiones. Su aspecto es muy simple, consistiendo en un piso de rejilla con rejas a sus costados. Este piso está sostenido sobre un contenido líquido de un extraño color verde azulado y que estará en constante movimiento, sin embargo, no hay ningún peligro de caerse a lo largo de la misión. Las paredes tendrán una base de metal que darán paso a la parte más común de las paredes, de color marrón claro. Ocasionalmente se verán tubos por las mismas, así como lámparas sostenidas desde el techo. En el primer sector, llamado Sewer 1, la misión principal será obtener pistas de las computadoras del Dragón Negro y descifrarlas para abrir una compuerta y llegar a Sewer 2. Es en esta primera sección de Sewer 1 donde se introducen las Sniper Cartridge, balas para un arma del juego aún desconocida. Habrá una puerta bloqueada cerca de donde comenzamos el nivel, y luego de abrirse paso frente a enemigos armados, Jax deberá manipular 2 computadores para desbloquear la puerta. Aquí se encontrará además un Medium Medipak cerca del primer computador. Luego, subirá unas escaleras y llegará a otro nivel donde habrá una nueva computadora y se encontrará el Sniper Rifle, siendo las Sniper Cartridge encontradas anteriormente las balas para la misma, esta arma permitirá efectuar Headshots, los cuales matarán al enemigo instantaneamente. Aquí, la apariencia de Las Alcantarillas cambiará drásticamente, entrando en un área de túneles con varios enemigos y con la dificultad extra de que la visibilidad es limitada, sin poder ver lo que espera a larga distancia. En el primer camino disponible hacia la derecha de esta sección se encontrará un Small Medipak, así mismo, cuando se llega a la salida de esta sección de túneles, en el túnel izquierdo estarán siendo custodiados por 2 enemigos armados unas Sniper Cartridge y un Large Medipak. También se encontrarán varios otros caminos que no darán recompensa alguna. Luego de este recorrido de túneles, Jax derrotará a otro enemigo para abrir una puerta y así llegar a la habitación final de Sewer 1. Esta última habitación será diferentes a las demás, habrá una gran puerta metálica bloqueada en la parte superior la que se debe abrir para continuar. La computadora disponible en el centro, sostenida por un piso de rejillas sobre el residuo de Las Alcantarillas, será la herramienta que utilizará Jax. Al momento de introducir la clave, esta será 3129, dando paso a Sewer 2. Sewer 2, el segundo sector de Las Alcantarillas, tendrá como misión principal encontrar varias Keycards para poder abrirse paso hasta Sewer 3. En su comienzo se encuentran 2 Sniper Cartridge que serán útiles en esa misma sección, ya que será muy similar a la sección de túneles de Sewer 1, teniendo una forma casi laberínstica. Aquí se encontraran, además de varios enemigos, un Small Medipak en la esquina inferior izquierda (Desde una vista superior) de la sección, y 2 puertas en las esquinas superiores izquierda y derecha, estando esta última bloqueada. Tomando el camino de la puerta izquierda, habrá que elegir nuevamente entre 2 caminos, siendo el derecho una habitación que en su interior esconderá unas Shotgun Shells, y el de la izquierda otra habitación, pero que tendrá la Keycard que abrirá la puerta anteriormente bloqueada. Ahora en el camino que lleva a esta puerta, nuevamente se encontrará una sección laberínstica. En esta nueva sección, en la esquina inferior izquierda se localizará un Large Medipak, mientras que en su esquina superior derecha estará esperando una nueva Keycard, que abrirá la puerta que conduce a Sewer 3. Categoría:Lugares
  • The Sewers are the underground sewer system underneath an abandoned warehouse once controlled by the Black Dragon criminals as both a temporary base of operations and an escape route. It is the second level of Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. Major Jax Briggs entered the sewers and fought another Black Dragon thug Tasia While the Black Dragon leader Kano and his henchman escape to another different location.
  • Profile XP - 1,900 Food - 9,200 Wood - 9,200 Coins - 75 Send John - John's Shotgun Send Mirabelle - Cultist Knife ======== Stage 1 : Who To Send As you, Darius, Garett, Mirabelle, etc go to the sewer, you will here noises. Mirabelle thinks it's walkers. So Garett says to you who to send. You can send either John or Mirabelle. If you send John: If you send John you will here him say something. After you beat Stage 1, you will see him get is face eaten by a walker. REWARD : John's Shotgun (After you beat Stage 8) If you send Mirabelle: Mirabelle screams for help, the team get's her and kill the walkers. Stage 2 : Margaret appears and she says that Barker told them "how they are", and then, exclaims that they'll take their place. Begins the fight agains another group.
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