  • Holographic generator
  • Holographic generators (as named on Nintendo World Report [1], named simply as terminals in the game) are a technology in Metroid: Other M, capable of producing extremely realistic holographic representations of natural environments onboard the Galactic Federation's BOTTLE SHIP. When active, they are nearly invisible from long distances, as the generator itself is covered in a sort of active camouflage that mimics whatever would be visible behind the device. However, this camouflage de-activates at close range, and for whatever reason does not cover the two yellow windmill-like blades that rotate on top of the device. Holographic generators can be activated or de-activated by means of a small control panel affixed to the front of the device - they are often connected to the room's security
  • Holographic generators (as named on Nintendo World Report [1], named simply as terminals in the game) are a technology in Metroid: Other M, capable of producing extremely realistic holographic representations of natural environments onboard the Galactic Federation's BOTTLE SHIP. When active, they are nearly invisible from long distances, as the generator itself is covered in a sort of active camouflage that mimics whatever would be visible behind the device. However, this camouflage de-activates at close range, and for whatever reason does not cover the two yellow windmill-like blades that rotate on top of the device. Holographic generators can be activated or de-activated by means of a small control panel affixed to the front of the device - they are often connected to the room's security devices in such a way that de-activating the generator unlocks a Door. For this reason, they are often used to obstruct and/or conceal pathways, forcing Samus to find and disable a generator before she is able to proceed. Four of the machines are encountered in the Biosphere and one in the Pyrosphere, although it is likely that others are installed onboard the BOTTLE SHIP but never actually seen. It is unknown whether the devices are used in any other Galactic Federation facilities, although Samus has never encountered any other holographic systems with such advanced capabilities.