  • The Destructivedisk Anthology/The Anonymous Series
  • What is there to say about The Anonymous Series that has not already been said? Truthfully, writing this page will be harder than writing any of the other pages. I had been drinking at the time of writing all of the stories, mostly vodka. I believe I was at my grandmother's house while writing the majority of the stories, but hell I hardly even remember. If there is one thing to learn from these stories, it's that writing while drunk is not a good idea. It became a great and bountiful collaborative story.
  • What is there to say about The Anonymous Series that has not already been said? Truthfully, writing this page will be harder than writing any of the other pages. I had been drinking at the time of writing all of the stories, mostly vodka. I believe I was at my grandmother's house while writing the majority of the stories, but hell I hardly even remember. If there is one thing to learn from these stories, it's that writing while drunk is not a good idea. The first chapter was written by me on July 23rd, 2012. I told KidVegeta that I was going to write a story about Super Saiyan Tien over skype before writing it, although he did not believe me. When he read the first chapter, he was overcome with laughter and thought it was some good stuff. The next time, we both got drunk together, and he decided to continue the story with a chapter of his own; and thus, the anonymous series was born... or at least that's how I remembered having written it. The actual chronology is a bit different. The following description was provided by KidVegeta: It became a great and bountiful collaborative story.