  • Begga
  • Begga was a woman who lived in Esgaroth during the Third Age. Remembering the old tales, Begga held high hopes that the Dwarves of Erebor would return to Erebor and Smaug's reign would end. Despite the Dwarves attempt to kill Smaug, Begga was killed in the terrible destruction of Esgaroth.
Row 4 info
  • Third Age - T.A. 2941
Row 1 info
Row 4 title
  • time period
Row 2 info
Row 1 title
  • Home
Row 5 info
  • Female
Row 2 title
  • Language
Row 5 title
  • Gender
Row 3 info
  • Northrons
Row 3 title
  • People
Box Title
  • Begga
Image size
  • 250
Image File
  • Becca.png
  • Begga was a woman who lived in Esgaroth during the Third Age. Remembering the old tales, Begga held high hopes that the Dwarves of Erebor would return to Erebor and Smaug's reign would end. Despite the Dwarves attempt to kill Smaug, Begga was killed in the terrible destruction of Esgaroth.