  • Duane Lovitz
  • Dr. Lovitz and his associate Rachel Chong worked with Camilla Sookanado to further the research into how "an alien mind thinks." He often had Camilla put together puzzles and solve problems to test her cognitive skills. He and Chong were opposed to Camilla's imprisonment, as a sentient being should not be treated as a lab animal. In 9 ABY, during a national incident, Lovitz and Chong helped smuggle Camilla out of the facility and spirit her away to her ship so she could escape. Lovitz and Chong were apprehended by officials and they were presumably executed by a shadow government.
  • Dr. Lovitz and his associate Rachel Chong worked with Camilla Sookanado to further the research into how "an alien mind thinks." He often had Camilla put together puzzles and solve problems to test her cognitive skills. He and Chong were opposed to Camilla's imprisonment, as a sentient being should not be treated as a lab animal. In 9 ABY, during a national incident, Lovitz and Chong helped smuggle Camilla out of the facility and spirit her away to her ship so she could escape. Lovitz and Chong were apprehended by officials and they were presumably executed by a shadow government.