  • Rash
  • Rashes are yellow ape-like creatures with branches protruding from their bodies. They're the weakest Monsters in Leafre. __TOC__
  • A rash appears bumpy, itchy, scaly, irritated. They get caused by: * Chicken Pox * Allergies * Seborrheic Eczema
  • A rash was am eruption or efflorescence on the skin. A good example of a rash was a sunburn, which was caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Jayna had what appeared to be a terrible rash on her face, but it's possible that it was because she was having a hard time controlling her shapeshifting abilities.
  • "Rash" (real name Dave Shar) is the wisecracking member of the Battletoads and a guest character in Killer Instinct Season 3. He is a main character of the Battletoads series of beat 'em ups created by Rareware, the developers of the original Killer Instinct. His exploits with his fellow toads, Zitz and Pimple, have led them across the galaxy in battles against the evil Dark Queen. Players that owned Killer Instinct or Rare Replay could test out Rash (in his retro skin) ahead of time from August 4th to September 8th, 2015. He would later be released as part of Season 3 in March 2016.
  • Rashes were ailments that afflicted Elomin. They would come in the form of pruritic papules.
  • A rash describes any discoloration of the skin caused by inflammation. A rash can be caused by any one of a number of diseases, but in most cases indicates some irritation of the skin, such as that caused by an allergic reaction. As Dr. House advises, most rashes can be treated successfully by keeping them dry if they are moist, and keeping them moist if they are dry. Persistent rashes usually require the attention of a dermatologist, who usually can recommend a topical preparation to place on the skin to aid it's healing.
  • Rash, who's real name is Dave Shar, is the mascot of the three toads. He is known to move quickly, and is differenciated from Zitz and Pimple by his black shades. Rash has been playable in every Battletoads game except for the Battletoads Game Boy sequel. In Battletoads, he is the character that you play as when in first-player mode. He does not wear his shades in-game, but wears them in his profile screen.
  • A rash was any change to an individual's skin which affected its appearance or texture. A rash could often be the symptom of an illness. In 2370, Beverly Crusher believed that a mark on Deanna Troi's shoulder was a rash from the coil brace Data had stabbed her with, but which turned out to be an interphasic organism. (TNG: "Phantasms" ) In 2371, Ishka suffered a slight rash due to her skin being a little sensitive to clothing. This therefore did not constitute a medical ground for the FCA to drop their charges against her for earning profit. (DS9: "Family Business")
  • 102
  • 103
  • Good
  • 0
  • Semi-sapient
  • 10
  • 20
  • 0
  • 1300
  • 0
  • 0
Fighting Style
  • Beat em' up
  • 3
  • 961
  • 1010
  • 245
  • 10
  • 20
  • 235
  • 1.0729584E9
  • -20
  • 1
Voiced by
  • Sean Chiplock
  • Common
  • Battletoads
  • 1
  • 0
  • Dave Shar
  • Rash
  • 3000
  • 8614
  • 1789
  • 2853
  • 182.0
Appears In
  • Pimple
  • Professor T. Bird
  • Zitz
  • 3.0
  • Smash Hits
  • Speeder Bike
  • The Dark Queen
  • Rashes
  • 0
  • MapleStory
  • 150520
  • 198133
  • Human
  • Battletoad
  • Significant threat
  • 951
  • 1070
  • Leafre
  • A rash was any change to an individual's skin which affected its appearance or texture. A rash could often be the symptom of an illness. In 2370, Beverly Crusher believed that a mark on Deanna Troi's shoulder was a rash from the coil brace Data had stabbed her with, but which turned out to be an interphasic organism. (TNG: "Phantasms" ) In 2371, Ishka suffered a slight rash due to her skin being a little sensitive to clothing. This therefore did not constitute a medical ground for the FCA to drop their charges against her for earning profit. (DS9: "Family Business") In 2373, Kira Nerys had a rash on the back of her thighs, for which Miles O'Brien requested a salve from Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places") Soon after, while attempting to woo Captain Kathryn Janeway, Q placed a romantic bed in her quarters, complete with satin bedsheets. Janeway, however, was not amused and ordered him to remove the bed, but Q refused, stating "I have no intention of getting between those Starfleet issue sheets. They give me a terrible rash." Janeway replied that it wouldn't matter, since he wouldn't be getting in the bed. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey") Also that year, The Doctor initially believed that skin markings upon Harry Kim were a rash, but which were in fact implanted Taresian genes. (VOY: "Favorite Son") Soon after, O'Brien asked Bashir if a rash were the cause of Kirayoshi's constant crying. (DS9: "Business as Usual") In 2374, while on board the USS Prometheus, The Doctor claimed that one possible symptom of the Terothka virus was a rash. He said that some persons found the rash worse than the stomach cramps that could also result from the virus. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle") Also that year, Neelix claimed that Starfleet blankets gave him a rash, prompting Tuvok's suggestion, which the Talaxian interrupted, that he ask The Doctor for some anti-itch cream. (VOY: "Demon") In 2378, Tuvok devolved a cutaneous eruption which The Doctor informed Neelix of, breaching doctor-patient confidentiality. Later that year, believing his destruction to be inevitable, the Doctor confessed this to Tuvok. As the Doctor survived, this incident became an embarrassment. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")
  • Rashes are yellow ape-like creatures with branches protruding from their bodies. They're the weakest Monsters in Leafre. __TOC__
  • A rash appears bumpy, itchy, scaly, irritated. They get caused by: * Chicken Pox * Allergies * Seborrheic Eczema
  • A rash was am eruption or efflorescence on the skin. A good example of a rash was a sunburn, which was caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Jayna had what appeared to be a terrible rash on her face, but it's possible that it was because she was having a hard time controlling her shapeshifting abilities.
  • "Rash" (real name Dave Shar) is the wisecracking member of the Battletoads and a guest character in Killer Instinct Season 3. He is a main character of the Battletoads series of beat 'em ups created by Rareware, the developers of the original Killer Instinct. His exploits with his fellow toads, Zitz and Pimple, have led them across the galaxy in battles against the evil Dark Queen. Players that owned Killer Instinct or Rare Replay could test out Rash (in his retro skin) ahead of time from August 4th to September 8th, 2015. He would later be released as part of Season 3 in March 2016.
  • Rash, who's real name is Dave Shar, is the mascot of the three toads. He is known to move quickly, and is differenciated from Zitz and Pimple by his black shades. Rash has been playable in every Battletoads game except for the Battletoads Game Boy sequel. In Battletoads, he is the character that you play as when in first-player mode. He does not wear his shades in-game, but wears them in his profile screen. Rash is going to appear as a playable guest character in Killer Instinct for the Xbox One as the first character in Season 3 in March 2016, a beta test of Rash was released on August 04 2015, the beta test ends on September the 8th 2015.
  • Rashes were ailments that afflicted Elomin. They would come in the form of pruritic papules.
  • A rash describes any discoloration of the skin caused by inflammation. A rash can be caused by any one of a number of diseases, but in most cases indicates some irritation of the skin, such as that caused by an allergic reaction. As Dr. House advises, most rashes can be treated successfully by keeping them dry if they are moist, and keeping them moist if they are dry. Persistent rashes usually require the attention of a dermatologist, who usually can recommend a topical preparation to place on the skin to aid it's healing. A rash that spreads rapidly is usually an indication of a serious condition. However, a large rash that appears suddenly, although it may require medical attention, usually is a less serious matter.
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