  • Blarg Dumper
  • If a segment of the vessel was destroyed, the vessel itself would not be destroyed; all waste segments had to be destroyed before the vessel itself would be completely destroyed. Even if a waste segment in the middle was destroyed, the segments behind it would simply realign. Most vessels had seven segments at the least, not including the head segment. Despite its impressive size though, these vessels were completely unarmed and highly vulnerable to attack, which is why it needed protection at all times.
  • If a segment of the vessel was destroyed, the vessel itself would not be destroyed; all waste segments had to be destroyed before the vessel itself would be completely destroyed. Even if a waste segment in the middle was destroyed, the segments behind it would simply realign. Most vessels had seven segments at the least, not including the head segment. Despite its impressive size though, these vessels were completely unarmed and highly vulnerable to attack, which is why it needed protection at all times.